
Should i take my kids trick or treating?

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we are new christians and we have always taken our kids out on halloween should we continue and why or why not?




  1. (Keep in mind that Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday as well, and for many Pagans still is.)


    --There has only been ONE non-urban-legend case of tampered candy...and the person that did it was the child's father. So as long as you're watching your kids, it's very safe.

    --Halloween is a fun holiday for kids where they can let loose, dress up and have fun. Generally it's healthy for their mind.

    --Halloween isn't evil. It's just a holiday for the fun of children and those young-at-heart. It can not hurt anyone or anything, as it is just a date. Originally it was a Celtic Pagan holiday, and many Pagans do still celebrate today, but that does NOT mean that celebrating yourself by running up to doors for candy is celebrating the Pagan origins or Pagan reasons for the holiday. Your celebration of Halloween is an entirely different one than that of Pagans.

    Halloween is what you make of it-- if you want to celebrate the Pagan beliefs, then so be it. But if you see it as a fun candy-collecting time for the kids, it will be that and *only* that.

    Denying your kids a fun, safe, innocent time just because you have different beliefs is just cruel. I find it sad that people won't let their kids celebrate what has become in recent years a holiday just for their amusement. It's no different than celebrating a birthday...also a holiday of Pagan origin.  

  2. Halloween is what you make's origins are from people believing that if you dress up like the ghosts, they won't bother you on All Hallows Eve (the night before All Saints Day, Nov. 1st. which was made up by the Catholic church, btw).  This of course is ridiculous and you aren't going to h**l if you allow and participate in the traditional trick or treating.  If you are going to do some evil pagan rituals on Halloween then yeah, that's not cool.  Please don't let over zealous Christians ruin a night of harmless fun and candy for your kids.

    Here is an excerpt from the site on the link below.

    The connection between trick or treat and forgiveness deserves to be reclaimed, don’t you think? While we wait for an imaginative catechist to draw up a format, we can allow our kids to enjoy the costumes, the goodies, the excitement of traipsing around after dark if we exercise prudence. Most communities now impose a curfew for trick or treat, and most parents select the houses of friends they know. Sometimes the PTA will sponsor a party. Avoiding costumes and decorations that glorify witches and devils goes without saying, but there’s no reason to fear skeletons, skulls or Thomas More with his head tucked under his arm. After all, can’t skulls and skeletons be healthy reminders of human mortality? Can’t witches and devils symbolize the evil Christ has overcome?

  3. I'm pretty sure Christians don't associate themselves with Halloween. The history of Halloween itself has to do with witchcraft. If you really are into your faith you probably shouldn't take them trick or treating.  

  4. I am Catholic and I still celebrate Halloween.

    I dont see a problem with celebrating it.

    I do it for fun not to celebrate Satin.


    i hate parents that dont let kids trick or treat its so sad. i feel bad for the kids.

  5. Yes, you should continue. If you are really worried about it, you can ask your religious leader (priest/bishop) if it is okay. It should be fine.  

  6. Why not, your kids are only going to be little once in their lives. Let them have fun now, it's only a once a year holiday. God isn't going to zap you because you let your kids go trick or treating. Let them be kids and have fun. Besides, they will be adults before you know it.

    When my kids were little I would dress up with them and we would all go trick or treating together. I got most of the candy too because a lot of the people liked the idea that I was dressed up. I'm still alive and kicking!

    Happy Halloween!

  7. Halloween was OK when I was a little Christian child decades ago. I don't think Jesus is going to complain about kids getting their annual sugar high although their folks might.

  8. Im a Christian & my family has always celebrated Halloween.

  9. Yes!  So many people get wrapped up in Pagan stories that they forget about All Souls Day when, on November first, poor people would go from house to house and ask for food in exchange for prayers.  The home owners gave them a little food, then the poor person would pray for the person in the house.  And in Mexico, Catholics practice The Day of the Dead at the end of October when, they believe, the souls of loved ones return to Earth for the day.  So you see much of Halloween is steeped in Christian tradition.

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