
Should i take my mom to the hospital?

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Yesterday my mom ate alot of walnut which she is kinda allergic to but not seriously and her throat started to itch and swell and she had trouble breathing but she took something and went to sleep.

this morning she still felt bad and had a bit of trouble breathing and she felt like there were needles on her skin and was itchy allover and in her eyes but she took something and went to sleep and just woke up and her heart is going really fast and she is having a Little trouble breathing still

i am sorry this is so long but she doesn't want to go and i will miss teakwondo but should make her go?




  1. take your mother, she should be your first priority in this situation. i would rather take her to the hospital than go out to teakwondo and come back to find her on the floor or something


    best of luck :)

  2. Yes, make her go. She is obviously having an allergic reaction.

  3. i would becuase you dont know what can happen

  4. She is def having an allergic reaction to the walnuts.  Nut allergies can be very serious, so yes, I would reccommend bringing her in.

  5. Firstly how dumb eating alot of walnuts when you are "kinda allergic" to them. Your mom should avoid them at all costs if she knows this. I have walnut and pecan nut allergies and avoid anything that contains them

    Also its a bit dramatic rushing to the hospital 24 hours after the event unless she is really struggling to breathe in which case you dial the ambulance not ask questions on Yahoo. You'll only be waiting hours in A&E.

    Ring your oncall GP straight away and ask their advice.  

  6. call the hospital or her doctor and explain the situation...see what they say.

    Goodluck and hope your mom starts feeling better (o:

  7. yes u should she is having a allergic reaction. her throat might swell up so much that she cant beathe.

  8. Yes take her to the hospital. She could become seriously ill if she is having an allergic reaction.

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