
Should i take this advice?

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I'd love to be a children's illustrator; I believe I can do a nice job if I have a lot of material for stimulation, and then I come up with something of my own. However, I read an interview with a world-know illustrator and the lady herself said don't do it unless you have the gift for it. I feel like I don't have that gift because I need to look at other pictures in order to get my imagination going. Likewise, I can't draw a portrait of someone unless I look at them. Should I stop or go on? I'm asking because I'm not knowledgeable on this. Thanx.




  1.      The whole question is; can you draw?  If you can, with or without looking at other pictures, then you go for it.  Did this woman say whether she looked at other pictures for inspiration?  Writers need inspiration, believe me.  We find it in the oddest places.  We see a character in a pub or coffee house.  Someone a little off-beat, and he can serve as an inspiration.  We all need it, so don't be put off.  As I say, if you can draw, you're90% there.  I wish I could!  

    Good luck to you.  If you don't keep at it, I'll come and haunt you!!!!!

    Mike B.

  2. Just keep practicing your art. Most artists don't draw things totally out of their head. They need to have a reference...many have files full of photographs of various animals, scenes, or people. They may combine things out of several different photos. How do you know you don't have a gift unless you try?

  3. well, you're far from the only person who needs to look for inspiration.  graeme bases travels the world for inspiration.  artists pay attention to the news, they travel, they wander the world, and yes, look at things for accuracy.  they take pictures, look at others photos.  the woman was most likely paying attention to the fact that so many, many, folk want to be artists.  so many people want to write, be a musician, fly to the moon.  most 'gifts' are junk.  you have to hone that skill.  no one artist was able to p**p out genius.  they worked at it.  being an artist is a dream for those who want to make art- the problem is there isn't a huge call for a large group of them, and being an illustrator limits you further.  a lot of people think they are incredible, but even if they are, if you saturate something limited- well, obviously many of you wanting to illustrate are gonna go nowhere because they're just isn't work.  being a starving artist isn't an inane statement- a lot of them wait tables and sell coffee and go nowhere.  musicians and writers say the same thing to anyone looking to get involved- going to school or trying it on your own is incredibly time-consuming, soul-sucking, and expensive.  its more a warning- unless you are the best out of the people you know, you'll founder.  it's not even your work, a lot of folks that are good just don't make it because the market can only handle so much.  and gift my eye- quentin blake made it.

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