
Should i talk to A or different girls?

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There's this girl,lets call her A.A asked me one day if i like her and i said IDK.So she spreads rumors around school saying i like her.Now alot of people think i do but then i told them i don't maybe but not really.I seen her today and she said hi and i was like (you know when you just say like hi and whatever) hi.School starts on Sept. 4 and there's a dance the 2nd day of school.Should i try to ask a girl or maybe talk to A.What should i do???? Tips/Advice/Useful answers. Thanks.Also put stuff that girl like for guys to have,i think i'm pretty good but just wondering.I'm not trying to be a poser or fake but just need advice that's all.




  1. yea, she problably likes you and also, if theres a different girl you like other than A, ask her, but if not just ask A and have a good time

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