
Should i tell Her , please dont judge me ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I was dating two gals/ladies and i decided to break things with one as i wanted to be a betta Bf and to be faithfull .

I now feel like i should tell the one im with that i had another GF when i was dating her & that i broke up with her this weekend .Im scared that she might end up finding out cause the one i broke up with was telling everyone what happend .

Should i tell her ?




  1. yes

  2. Definately.  Shes going to find out eventually so its better she hear it from you.  She'll most definately go through an angry period though.  Just let her know that it won't happen again and that your there for her.

    Don't be suprised if she ends it though

  3. Ummmm yes. haha your in the same boat as me. Well Kind of;...

  4. try telling her you were dating her AND the other girl before because (for whatever reason).

    then tell her you broke it off, tell her what she means to you, and why you chose her. if she hates you after, oh well, but you can try to still be friends

  5. I am hoping you realize 2 timing is wrong, and you never do it again...EVER...I am going to trust that is the case and offer some advice. If you are sincere, you are repentant (meaning you're sorry AND you're never doing it again), you need to be honest. Not just because you are afraid of getting caught, but because you love your girlfriend and you don't want there to be any secrets or lies...

    Tell her you need to have a serious discussion. Admit that it is not pleasant, and it will upset her, but you love her very much, and you want her to know the truth. Both of you should be sitting, and no one else should be around. Ask her to let you finish completely before she replies, and reassure her that she will be able to say all she needs to say when you are done.

    Tell her that earlier in your relationship, you were involved in a relationship with another woman at the same time because you did not know how serious your relationship with her would become. (Hopefully you can say at the beginning, there was no discussion of being exclusive, but don't use it as an exuse) You knew it was wrong and you admit it was disrespectful, selfish, and mean. You ended the relationship with the other woman because you feel a deep connection to her, you know she deserves loyalty and faithfulness, and you want to be stronger and better for her. Tell her she is justified in feeling hurt and angry, not that she needs your permission, but you understand.

    She will want NOT give her details (who, when, how long, what you did with her, etc.) just tell her you were in a romantic relationship that is now and forever will be over, and details will just make it worse for her to imagine. You are totally committed to and in love with her. And the past is in the past.

    Admit that yes, one reason you are telling her is that you are afraid she will find out from someone else, but you are mainly telling her because she deserves the truth and you want to be completely honest with her. You love her, and you want to be with her. You make a promise right then and there that you will never again be unfaithful, and if you ever consider the idea, you will go to her FIRST and either end the relationship or talk about how you can deal with your feelings...

    Do NOT get messed up Bub...she's gonna be upset but tell her if she will still have you, you are totally committed to gaining back her trust and building a healthy, honest, loving relationship with her. Let her take all the time she needs to react and recover and think about what she wants, and let her know you will wait for her to process it all...then give her time to respond. And remain calm and apologetic, and give her whatever space she needs and hope for the best.

    I wish the best for you, but only if you are truly sincere...think about how you would want a man to treat your mother, sister, or daughter, and treat your girlfriend even better. Don't disrespect women, they are made to be loved not abused...

    take care

  6. better her find out from you than someone else

  7. I would tell her before anyone else does, that would be worse. It really depends on how long you have been cheating.  If you do tell her, if you don't do it sincerely enough, she will probably break up with you.  

  8. Yes you should.

    It's better you tell her and let her know that you wanna be faithful to only her.

  9. I'd be honest.  I'd tell her you were dating her and the other girl at the same time because you didn't think it would get serious.  But you realized who you wanted to be with and it was her, so you have ended things with the other girl.  

  10. be a observer and you will know the answer.

  11. nope not unless u wanna lose her too... just dont do it again...

  12. yes but make sure you make it clear that  its COMPLETELY OVER with the other girl and you wouldnt do something like that again

    say what you feel.

  13. If you really think she might find out, you definitely need to tell her. If I was your girlfriend and I found out from someone else that you were dating another girl at the same time as me, I would get extremely pissed. She will probably be mad when you tell her, but you need to deal with the consequences. It's better to be honest with her.

  14. its better she find out from u not someone else

  15. you've got to tell her. You stuffed up so you have to live with the consequences. Just pray she's a better person than you are.

  16. No.  In the famous words of Dr. Drew on love line -- "the only thing telling will do is ease your own guilt.  Even in the 12 step programs they tell you no to confess transgressions to loved ones that will cause them pain."  I commend you for seeing that leading two women on was not the best way to carry on and I hope that you and your lady are happy for many years to come.

  17. if theirs the slightest chance she'll find out tell her. but don't just make it an aside, no spin it. explain what she means to you and why you chose her ecc. and for the sake of god delete this question before she finds it.

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