
Should i tell him? (2) HELP pleaseeee

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okieee so i posted this the other day:


okiee well i have knwon this guy for about 6 mouths now and i have liked him the whole time and still do. We are kinda friends we talk on msn sometimes and if i see him in the street he says hi and waves. He lives up the road from me and i always see him. i really l;ike him but the problem is im to scared to tell him how i feel im scared ill reuin the friendship and im also scared he will tease me bout it coz he is really popular.

hes 17 and im 16

pleasee helppp!!.


and i was going to tell him but then i found out he has a gf :(

i really really like this guy :( i know i shouldnt tell him how i feel coz i know he a girlfriend and i dont want to reiun it or make him mad at me but hes all i think about :( and yehh it makes me sad :(


wwhat should i do??




  1. Date other guys. Let him find you. Sooner or later he will probably break up with his girlfriend. In the meantime, have some fun while you are young. You never know, he might notice you one of these days and think you are such a great gal that he gets interested.  

  2. stay freinds with him then a month after him and this girl break up tell him

  3. well first maybe you should ask is if him and his gf and going good if they prob best nt to ask until later when he's single but maybe if he's like not so good, lil flirts and sign that u like him as a graduale thing

    watever happens, happens

  4. im sort of in this situation ahah, don't tell him because it WILL make tihngs awkward trust me, just wait and see how he feels when he's finished with his girlfriend, if you like him enough you can wait that long. think 'misery business' by paramore.

  5. If he has a girlfriend you shouldnt tell him it's just going to mess up things to between your''ll.Just go out date other people dont run after him he will come to you.

  6. If you have such strong feelings for him, then i think you should wait..

    Show him you care for him , whenever you see him or talk to him.. just dont OVERDO  it.

    He's only 17 so this girl friend of his... It might be just a crush he has.

    he might get over it very soon..

    Mean while you dont sit round and waste your time just thinking about him..

    Go out with your other guy friends..., socialize...

    Pretend not to take much notice of him..

    this often helps.:)) specially with these 'popular' guys..:))

    when the right time comes you can tell him how you feel.

    he will notice you very soon..

    good luck!!

    ps.If he really 'loves' his girl friend then leave them alone....

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