
Should i tell my mom i need privacy to m********e...please HELP?

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im 14 and a female...should i tell my mom i need privacy to m********e? how exactly do i tell her that i m********e?...we dont talk much so i need help.....please

what if she thinks its gross or somthiing and she thinks diffrently of me? .....she never has time to talk.. how should i start to talk to her? i try to ask her questions somtimes she always changes the subject....does she not want to talk about s*x?




  1. Um, that's something that really doesn't need to be shared with your mom.

  2. Why would you tell your mom about that. Its private. It is not something you need to talk about.

  3. masterbation isnt really something you need to talk it in the bathroom

  4. okay, Sweetie.....I'm a mom and I raised a daughter, give your mother my address and I would love to talk to HER!  I'm open-minded and concerned, because this really should not be a problem.

  5. i think this i summit you should keep to your self im sure your mother doesny want to no this

  6. ok, dont talk to your mom about something like that, just do it whenever she aint at home, or at night whenever she is already asleep.....

  7. Masturbation is completely normal, but it's not something that's usually talked about.  I do agree that you need someone to talk to...  if not your mom, how about an aunt or older cousin or maybe one of your friend's mothers that you are close with?  Or you can always go to the library and check out a book or two about puberty and s*x to educate yourself.

  8. the bathroom should work :D

  9. bathtub idunno

  10. go into the bathroom, lock the door, and do it.  hopefully they don't barge in on u when u are peeing[in this case, masturbating...]

  11. Turn the shower on and do it in the bathroom.  The door locks, doesn't it?

  12. DONT TELL HER. Just keep it a secret and do it late at night in bed when she is asleep. It would way to embarrasing to tell her. Its your private business, she doesn't need to know about it. Don't tell her.. ever.

  13. Troll

  14. Your parents seem to be having trouble accepting that you're not a little girl anymore and that you're entitled to privacy, whether you're masturbating or just getting undressed for bed.  You need to have another adult on your side to straighten them out, like an aunt or uncle or your family doctor.  Your parents' determination not to allow you any privacy at your age is unhealthy.

    Meanwhile, you should probably save masturbating for nighttime when the family is asleep, or for the bath or shower.

  15. I don't think you really need to tell her. I'm sure she doesn't really want, or need, to know. Just go in your room and turn on the radio and lock the door, or go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Make sure to get your hair wet after though, or it'll look abit strange having a shower and not having wet hair.

    Perhaps your mom is just embarrassed or not confident on how to answer your questions in a way that will feed your curiosity. It's embarrassing for her too. I never got the "s*x talk" and I'm so grateful. I guess my mum figured I could work it out for myself and I had my friends to talk to. Tbh though, I never exactly had any questions.

    Anyway, if you have questions perhaps ask friends (make sure they're mature though, or you'll never get a serious answer) or you could go to a school health nurse if you have one. I know when I was at school we had some nurse come in every 3 months to lecture about the dangers or s*x and all that. Not fun. But perhaps you could ask her. If all that fails then try your mum again. Wait 'till she's not working, she's relaxed and not busy and has nothing pressing to attend to. Then she'll have no escape.

    Good luck!

  16. i wouldn't tell my mom, just go into the bathroom

  17. Masturbation is completely normal and okay. But it is something you do not need to tell your mom about. Try to do it in the bathroom. I am pretty sure they wont come in trying to see what you are doing in thier. Just dont go in the bathroom all the time or they will think you are doing something you should not be doing.

  18. You can tell your parents you need more privacy without telling them specifically what for.

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