
Should i tell my mom that I'm sexually active I'm 14?

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hi, my name is audrina. im 14 years old. and i just became sexually active in february. ive only had one sexual partner soon to be two though. okay well im question is did anyone that lost their virginity young tell your mother that you had s*x? my sister lost her virginity at 13 and she told my mom and she flipped out.. but now my sister is 17 with a 3 year old little boy. anyways should i tell her i think she knows because she dropped me off at my ex boyfriends house like every night in february and one night i when she called me i was having s*x and i was out of breath on the phone and being really quiet and she started yelling at me.. nd she came to pick me up nd i 4got 2 zipper my pants and my bra was unsnapped. my mom raised me so much better then this i guess ever since one of my boyfriends broke up with me bcuz i wouldnt have s*x with him i turned into this... soo watever should i tell her? and if so how should i tell her?




  1. Okay, normally I would say 'keep it to yourself' but seeing as how you seem to be really immature about this, I would fess up to your mom and try to keep it in your pants until you're older. I'm sorry, but the way this is going it looks like you'll end up being a mom before you're even old enough to vote. Focus on school and being a kid for god's sake.

  2. yes tell your mom. Look at us sis. do you want to wind up like her? Be a kid and do kid things. Life is to short. you are TO young.

  3. Well when i was 14 my mom found out I was having s*x, things were really bad at home for 2 weeks but then eventually got better. My dad was soooo sad. My parents did raise me better than that, but the way teenagers are nowadays that seems normal. I think you shouldn't tell her now, maybewait until you are 16. Just make sure that you are safe about everything and don't just have s*x with anyone. Dont trust boys either!

  4. At 14 you had better tell her and ask for birth control because the game you are playing is called teen mother hood and it isn't much fun.

  5. I'm very confused as to why you would want to tell your mother you are sexually active. Is it because you want to go on birth control? If so, go to a planned parenthood if thats possible, as you don't need any money and you don't need parent permission. But if thats not possible and that is why you want to tell her, tell her. Otherwise its really none of her business.

  6. Yes, you should tell your mom, so she can help you protect yourself, get on birth control etc. If your sister told your mom, she probably knows how to deal with it better, now the 2nd time. Just tell your mom, she can help you if you ever get scared, and if you don't tell her and you end up getting and std or getting pregnant it well be a lot harder to tell her.

  7. NO...too bad your mom is the cool kind you can tell anything to...cuz then i would say yes so that she could get you on the pill and buy you all the condoms you need...this is exactly whats wrong with our puritanical causes teen pregnancy...but being sooo prudish and repressive...if we could all just communicate openly, everyone could explore their sexuality freely without fear of pregnancy or what  you can to protect yourself from getting pregnant or an STD, but dont tell her unless you think she will be supportive.

  8. I would tell your Mom that you have been sexually active. That you don't want to end up like your sister with too much responsibility too soon and you'd like to get on birth control. I became sexually active when I was 13. Now 24 I regret throwing away my childhood for stupid boys who to be honest if I passed them on the street today they would not recognize me. I told my Mom the same thing I'm telling you to say. At first she flipped out and grounded me. But after she got over her own feelings she took me to the doctor, put me on birth control and made sure I understood all the consequences of s*x like S.T.D.'s Talk to your Mom...If you are mature enough to have s*x you should be mature enough to be responsible for yourself. Good luck! Wear a condom; AIDS is forever.....

  9. yes you should tell your mother!

    You shouldn't be active at 14 man.

    Im 14, I wouldn't even do it dude, not even if the hottest girl in the world wanted it from me.

    And what the h**l do you mean "Soon to be 2"

    Like you plan it or something. STOP IT!


    Your mother will be mad but it's better then her not knowing and you getting pregnant.  

  10. tell her, you have to

    you shouldnt even be sexually active, but if you are mature enough then its your choice

    but u need to tell your mom!

    answer mine/;...

  11. yes its hard to tell a parent that u are having s*x but i told my dad and if u want to stay safe and not get pregnant  i would ask ur mom about getting on birth control so u can stay not pregnant the longer you keep it from ur mom the more mad she will be i told my dad the first time i did it and he just asked me if i need ed to be put on birth  control so yes i would tell ur mom

  12. well i would tell your mom because in the long run she is the one you need not no boyfriends she is the one that gets you out of trouble. take my word on that. hoped i helped.

  13. yes !!! u should tell her. cause if u get pregnant she will know and it will be esier to tell her

    wow both ur sis and u had s*x at a young age!!! that stinks!

  14. I would tell if i was you , you could have a desise ok something!,,,.........~xoxo ally*

  15. I think that you should tell your mom about it. You're not even old enough to do that yet, and what if you going to have a kid and you tell her, she's going to be real mad. So I think tell her now is the best way.

    Just tell her what you've done, and what happened between you and your boyfriend when you didn't do it. You feel sorry after doing it right??? So tell her. I know that she's going to give you a good advise.  

  16. whatev's

    its people like u and all of the 13 yr olds that keep saying "im pregnant help me!!" that make me ashamed to even BE a teenager.

    it makes all the 13-14 yr olds look like s***s when everywhere you turn another 13 yr old is having s*x, and another 14 yr old is pregnant and is scared to tell their parents.

    ( ~ 8*

  17. Your mother should know better than to drop you off at your boyfriend's house to stay over night! You are heading down the wrong path. You need to quit having s*x or you could seriously mess up your life. You're putting yourself at risk for STD's & Aids and you could get pregnant young and end up a single mom on welfare with no college degree, on a road to nowhere. Please rethink all of this and wait to have s*x. Don't throw your youth away, you are only young once, Once you become pregnant you are forced to grow up quickly.  

  18. yes you should tell her that way she can help keep you safe and if you get pregnate or get in to trouble it'll be eaiser to ask her for help.

  19. i think you should go ahead and tell her if you wait to long she could be madder and by the way why are you having it at such a young ageI'mm not having it untilI'mm married maybe you shouldn'te done that

  20. No, you don't have to tell your mum. As long as you love the person and not sleeping with 34083 men its ok. Just wear protection. If your mums asks tho, sit her down and tell her maturely although she is more likely to flip out coz she probably doesn't want you going down your sisters path.

    Good luck hun.

  21. Yes, so she can whip your a**.

  22. it's going to be really hard to tell her but you really should. Tell her that  you felt it was right and that you know she's going to freak out about it but she had to know the truth. And you should convince her to get you birth control so that you lower your chances of getting pregnant at a young age like 14.

    And always you a condom with spermicidal lube so that if some s***n leaks out the spermicidal lube will get to it

    have fun, and when you get home don't make it obvious that you just finished having s*x!

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