
Should i tell my mom to move out???

by Guest62947  |  earlier

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im like 42 and my mom still lives with me and its crazy and i hate it and shes so mean and rude. i hate her most the time an dstuff what do u think i should do and say??




  1. just tell her in a nice way it is just not working out her living with you

    and you well help her find a place . boy she most likely get mad huh

    but don,t be mean just tell her you need your own life

    she might get mad at first but she get over it .

    some times it is best to just tell the truth and get it over with

    your mom should let you have your own

  2. i know how it is but if you 42 then ur mom should be a granny now

    she will need someone near, it hink the best thing would be to rent a flat for yourself, but it should be very near

    look here big guy, your mom is an old granny now u should be the one movinng out

  3. "Mom, I don't think it is healthy for me to depend on you so much and for me to lean on you any more, so you are going to have to find another place to live.  I need to be on my own by November First, so we have plenty of time to help you find a new place to stay.  I am putting this in writing, not to insult you, but to make it legal, because in the legal sense I am evicting you."

  4. If you own the home you can tell her to get out...if you rent and her name is on the rental agreement as well you can not legally tell her to get out.  

  5. first take her to the Dr and have her examined for mental defect.

      If she is well, set her down and tell her what is bothering you.

    Hopefully you are the one who owns the house.

    If she refuses to change her ways put her out.

  6. kick her to the curb! if she's not paying you rent or anything tell her that money's too tight to have her around if all she does is ***** at you. she could just move in with another sibling or get her own place (since obviously she's an adult). you shouldn't have to put up with that.

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