
Should i tell my sergeant ?

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so when i first enlisted my recruiter had some trouble with my school (i am homeschooled...and my school is Pennfoster) since they were't able to say when i was to graduate,considering its a self-paced school.i am almost done have 2 easy subjects left (which if i had the books already i would be done with them by tomorrow cus all their books are way too easy).then i have to wait 4-8 weeks for my diploma and i go to court on Sept. 10th for my license (that how they give you your license

Heres the problem..i went to MEPS back in April.a few days later went to my RSP sergeant (i'm in the National Guard) and as he was making copies of my papers i caught one that made my heart stop.on that paper it said i went to my local public high school,said i would graduate this year (which i was planning on),and the worst part had my signature and the guidance counselors signature on,i would never sign a false document,cus my MOS is 31B (Military Police) which requires a security clearance,plus it would be wrong.

now i didn't say anything to my sergeant then,cus one i was shocked,and secondly i didn't know what to do.last drill when, my sergeant was talking about what it will be like at MEPS before you ship to basic.he said how there are some things he will tell you to be quiet about and not tell,because if its not serious (surgery,criminal record.ect.) then don't say far no one has called me saying "what the ****,private?".

i am planning on getting my basic training date changed to an earlier time,around the middle to end of October.should i even bother telling him,or just bring it up if he asks why the paper stating what school i go to doesn't match with the diploma?any advice would be great.also would they catch it at MEPS?




  1. 1) Your paperwork could have gotten mixed up with someone else's so dont' panic.

    2) my daughter could not get into the Navy because she was homeschooled once you take a college course it won't matter where you graduated from high school.

    3)You didn't do anything wrong  

  2. I wouldn't worry about it. If they do ask you about it, be sure to have a copy of your diploma and a contact number to whoever processes your schoolwork and gave you the diploma so your commanding officer or whomever can verify.

    As long as you graduated, it shouldn't be a problem from where or when.

  3. Yeah I been in about two years. I hate people in who are MPs just so you know. Do me a favor being a future MP in all. If you see someone who may look a little suspicious driven. Just follow them until they get home. Then stop them. And dont turn into a D$%K just because your a cop. That happens a lot.

    When you get to basic training there going to give you something called a amnesty period. Where you wont get into any trouble at all. Well trouble you would get into if they found out on there on anyway. The smartest thing I can honestly tell you to do is fix the problem. Then tell them once its fixed. Your problem is not that serious anyway. I saw this guy in basic who had just got out of jail for like 12 years and they still kept him. So your good. Dont listen to than d**n recruiter. His job is to get you in at no matter the cost. He dont give a care about you trust me. Once you ship off you become just another number for him to get promoted on. I bet he didnt even tell you that you or someone can claim they referred you to the army and when you graduate basic and AIT (school). They get 2,000 dollars. He didnt tell you cause he wants to pocket it. My recruiter got me and tried to tell me that it was 500 hundred but I aint care. really. I got a 10,000 bonus. Anyway do what is best for you. If your recruiter cared he would not tell you to with hold something that could damage your career in the long run. He is just trying to cut his paperwork in half. A security clearance is a big deal. Open your eyes man. People are only out for themselves from this point on. Its a competition for alot of people and they will stab you in the back while standing in your face smiling. Dont be fooled. Take care of you and do the right things man. Alright take care and keep your head up.

    P.S. in basic you will go through something called a gas chamber. They may try to give you chilli mac to eat or something heavy. Eat very light. If you eat heavy you might just hurl really bad and they will catch a picture and put it in the class book. Just get caught with snot dripping. Oh yes there will be snot lol.  

  4. so far it's his bad, if your recruiter is trying to weasel you in then let him, aside from accidentally seeing this document (which no one knows about) you are in the clear, I'm sure the recruiter knows what he is doing and if it ever comes up, which it probably won't, then deny any knowledge of it, MEPS could care less about minor details like where you received your diploma (as long as you have one)  its as you said, unless its major then its unimportant, and if it ain't important then it ain't important.

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