
Should i tell this guy how i feel about him?

by  |  earlier

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This guy is one of my really good friends (has been for a year and a half) and i'm totally in love with him and have been for almost a year now, but he has a girlfriend who is also one of my friends, though we're only friends because of him. i love him enough to want him to be happy and we hang out a lot, but he doesn't talk about her around me so idk if he is or not. should i tell him how i feel or should i move on or what? i could use any advise yall can give.




  1. If he already has a girlfriend, he probably isn't going to leave her for you.

    He may try to have you both at the same time

    Making the other one look bad to both of you.

    In my opinion, I think you deserve a better love then that.

    Either you tell him to leave her, or you are done with him.

    But in all honesty, there are better guys in the world then this!

  2. Oh dear, how would you like it if you had a bf and someone was "in love" with him and then told him ? I dont think you would like it.

    Dont do it !!

    First of all you would feel embarrassed by his rejection (because he most certainly would say no) second you would never be able to face him again and thirdly his girlfriend would be laughing at you behind your back.

    You are assuming an awful lot about his relationship with his gf, he must enjoy being with her or he would not be with her, so dont get involved.

    Have him as a friend if you want, but dont mess his life up or yours come to that, too many people can get hurt by you telling him you love him.

    Good luck.

  3. It all depends what you feel deep inside.

    Do you feel the urge to tell him how you feel? IF so, then maybe you should take the chance and tell him... but keep in mind: he may not feel the same so be prepared for rejection (it will hurt, trust me), because worst comes to worst, he will say "Uhh I don't really feel the same, sorry" and even if he says it in a really nice way, you will feel as if your lifes over. Good luck.  

  4. Its a hard situation. I too feel in love with my best friend. He was some-what seeing someone, before it got serious I had to speak up. We had been friends for 11 years and I had lost him before because I didn't speak up. I finally spoke up partially. I didn't express my whole true feelings because I didn't want to lose him as a friend. We are going on a year casually dating and 8 months seriously. Good luck. I would ask questions to him, if he ever thought about the two of you getting together, and things like that. I wouldn't put it all on the table just in case he doesn't feel the same way. You don't want to lose him as a friend.

  5. You say you love him enough to be happy, and if the girl he's with is what makes him happy then you should move on.

    But it wouldn't hurt to tell him how you feel. You never know what the outcome may be.

    Good luck :]

  6. i think u should move on, lifes to short waitin 4 sum1 2 love u bac, it might never happen, hope u b happy

  7. if you told him how you felt

    i'll get akward between you and his girlfriend (if she finds out, and she probably will) the best thing you can do is wait (if you are truely in love with him)

    or move on

  8. Well, you should probably just ask him about it. Just tell him that you like him and you were wondering if he feels the same way about you. Hope this helps! Best of luck!

  9. one of my (kind of) friends was going out with this boy and me and him were best friends.....we hung out all the time and when he found out that i like him they broke up and we started going out

    now you might not get this lucky but telling him how i felt worked good for me because he felt the exact same way bout me

    what's to loose...just give it a shot!!! GOOD LUCK!!  hope i helped

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