
Should i test it out...or stay friends?

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Theres this and he REALLY likes me. Like seriosly, if he calls me the conversation always ends up how much he likes me and why i wont go out with him. We went out before but i broke up with him real quick because i just wasnt sure, and sometimes he really gets just bothers me. But then sometimes i acually like him. Ive been thinking, and i might go out with him again, but he gets really emotional and i wouldnt want to break his heart again, but he says not going out with him is already breaking him. Ive been telling him just to give me some time, but i just really dont know. Should i go out with him and see if it works, or just stay friends? And if you say stay friends, can you tell me how i can tell him? Because he got this weird thought in his head by me saying "give me some time" that hes already going to go out with me but just not right now. (hes thinking like a month or 2 weeks...and ive been trying to hint around that thats not what i ment.) ...HELP!




  1. well your leading him on by telling him just give me some time. you broke up with him already, for reasons unannounced, but you did leave him for a reason, so you should just leave it at that cause he is most likely not gonna change and it didn't work the first time. your just leading him on. really, your being mean by leading him on to believe that he actually might have a chance. you should just cut him off to save face and your friendship with him. Cuz if you keep telling him,"give me time" and then someone else comes along that you fancy, he is gonna be really upset and get emotional toward both you and the new gut. he may even want explanations and go as far as to fight with him for you and you would be the cause of this drama. so save face and cut this guy off, kill him softly unless you like drama.

  2. you sould not go out with him.. bc .. he is a very jelouse person *going off what you said* and u deserve better. you dont need him if he is goin think that u r always cheating or not givin him all ur time.. u have to have ur own space..  

  3. Tell him that you want to just be friends  until you know if you are right for eachother and the way to tell him by suggesting some fun places to go out! Goodluck!

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