
Should i throw a house party (high school)?

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i am a senior in high school. my paretns are gone for the whole weekend. should i throw a house party ? (yes there will be underaged drinking and smoking)

what should the size be targeted at ? 50-65 people maybe ?




  1. Yes you should. People don't have enough house parties anymore. Don't worry about the consequences, deal with that later. If it's a good party you won't be able to keep the guests to a 60 person target. I threw a house party and I think there was like 200 people there. I was great. Worth every grounding and every bit of trouble I got from my parents.

  2. If you can say to the cops that bust the party, because it will get busted, "do you know who my parents are?", and that statement holds weight with them then you can pull it off. I say don't risk it, so many things can go wrong for you. I will let you in on a few of those things:

    1). underaged drinking will lead to fights/accidents/property damage/very bad decisions/etc that you/your parents will be held accountable for by law.

    2). there will probably be some fool/fools there with illegal substances that will get stashed in your house if the cops break it up. if they find it, guess who gets the possession charge??

    3). if you invite 50 people just by your own mouth, count on 3 times as many people showing up. the majority of the people there you will not know.

    4). when you tell people the party is over, they will tear up your stuff if they are not ready to go.

    5). all of the people that say they are gonna help you clean up the day after will be non-existent.

    6). something will get stolen.

    7). someting will get broken.

    should i keep going??

    house parties are great when you get into college, high school parties almost always get out of control. don't do it!!!

  3. Depending on the size of your house and the amount of property you have 50, 60 people isn't that much. Granted at my house that's a decent amount, but my buddy just through a party that had well over 200 people, large 3 story house, and 1 acre back area with large swimming pool, spa, basketball court, etc. So it all depends. Don't tell your neighbors if you think they will rat you out. If you really want to have a party, go for it. Just make sure you don't invite idiots, and morons. Try to have a good time, but keep a close eye on drunkies.

    I once through a party at my parents house that had a good 50 people in a small 1 story house, but we did have quite a few acres, at least 3 in all directions, and 4 sherrifs still ended up showing up. I got in a deep **** with my parents but life goes on and everyone has a crazy bash at least once at their house :)

  4. The guys above me have probably said this, but you need to tell your neighbours and ask them if its ok, Tell your parents what you are doing... there are SEVERE consequenses if you dont because someones going to dob to their mum, whose going to dob to someones dad, whose going to tell a "consearned parent" who will then tell your parents.

    You also need to call the cops and say "I've told the neighbours that I'm going to have a loud party, but I thought I should warn you. Your invited if you like, but i think my friends would be weirded out"

    Immagine the amount of people you have asked, and then tripple it. thats probably how many people are going to come along to.

    Once you have done that, hide everything of value in a room that you can lock. Make sure all of the bedrooms have "DO NOT ENTER" and some kind of way to lock them. make sure there are buckets about for spewing and if its possible, find someone that got a first aid certificate and sober (because my friends and i have our first aid, and i was sober, we saved a girls life)

    Technically it's not illegal for people underage to drink if

    1) there is a "responsible" person over the age of 18

    2) The people do not contribute financially to getting the alcohol.

    These are the rules in australia, im not sure if it's the same for where you are..

    I can't help you with smoking, but i suggest you make sure they all smoke outside only because the scent will NOT leave the house.

    When people ask to come over, tell them if they are still there at 2 in the morning, they are staying till morning and helping clean up... because there will be a big mess so you will ned help.

    You may also want to disconnect your home phone and only have your mobile on youfor emergencies... I've heard of too many parties where someones snuck into a bedroom and rung their bf in hongkong for 2 hours or something...

  5. House parties are fun, but the smaller the better.  The more people you have, the more likely things are to get out of hand, the more likely you are to get caught, etc.  Try having around 10'll still have fun and the risk of getting caught won't be so high.  If you're caught by the cops you'll get in trouble, whoever provided the alcohol will get in trouble, and your parents will get in trouble.  Word about parties spreads like wildfire, so don't count on 50-60 people keeping it "on the down low".

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