
Should i throw my corn snake in the trash and get a new one?

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lol just kidding....

but my baby cornsnake tried to bite me today and now im scared to pick him up ....what should i do

i have had him for almost 2 months and he never tried to bite me into today




  1. don't be scared. baby corns can not break the skin in a bite.

  2. if you feed him in its cage it could be every time you feed him he thinks you are food...feed him in a carboard box...its its not that it could be hungry and my be ready to shead and cant see so good

  3. if he bites you, bite him back!

  4. try selling him

  5. uh nothing its a bite all animals bite

  6. yeah..just dispose it in the trash...

    Put the snake on a box...

    seal the box...

    label the box..write "DANGER...PLEASE OPEN"

    or just "DANGER" or just "OPEN"

    i'm curious:;...

  7. sell it to me my email is

  8. mjohnw15 said  " ok i never recomend people having snakes.

    my friend had a snake and he let it sleep under his bed!

    it started wrapping around him and it stopped eating.

    the vet said it was wrapping around him to measure how big he was and it stopped eating so it could eat him!.

    corn snakes are poisonous and it biting you could be bad.

    just get a dog. they are much more affectionate"

    this is rubbish, unless he owned an anaconda...

    and corn snakes ARE NOT POISONOUS .

    john, please do a little research before spamming that in an effort to gain a point.

    and as far as being bit, the more you hold the snake the more confortable it gets.

    and don't feed it in the cage/aquarium.

    that's like having your bedroom, living room and bathroom all in one.

    take it out, handle it for a minute, then feed it in another container of some sort, even a cardboard box works.

    then after feeding, replace it in it's home.

    sometimes they can get grumpy with a full stomach.

    stretched skin is sensitive.

  9. ok i never recomend people having snakes.

    my friend had a snake and he let it sleep under his bed!

    it started wrapping around him and it stopped eating.

    the vet said it was wrapping around him to measure how big he was and it stopped eating so it could eat him!.

    corn snakes are poisonous and it biting you could be bad.

    just get a dog. they are much more affectionate

  10. maybe he just thought you were food, if he only did it once it should be ok.

  11. if a corn snake try to bite you it's maybe because your hand smell like food.

    or maybe because he's about to shed during that period they became almost blind so they can bite more easily so you shoudn't handle him during that period.

    that could be the way you handle it.if you pick him by the tail or too near of his head it can bite you.

    don't worrie continue handle it and it will become more use to your smell and will stop bitting you.

  12. I would be scared of him from then on! Maybe you could sell him to Petsmart or something. Sorry that happened. =(

  13. Maybe he is hungry

    or he is about to go in shed

    those are some reasons

    also it could be just that he is growing up lol

    dont be scared corn bites arnt babe

    especially if its a baby

    just like some Velcro rubbing your skin at the most

  14. i have that problem with my sisters little hamsters haha well just slowly start getting used to it again like for me i would wear a sweatshirt and pull the sleeves over my hand so it wouldnt hurt if they bit now im not scared but just try something that will work for you good luck!

  15. Its ok, that happens sometimes

  16. well thump its nose a snake is kinda like a dog if you do it enough it will learn who is the boss!

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