
Should i trade my wii for an xbox 360?

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I really want an xbox 360 i prefer the games and graphics on the xbox 360 more than the wii.

I used to love it but now im just bored of the wii

The only probalem is that stores might rip me off

do you think getting a 360 is worth it? And why?




  1. I couldn't say whether you'll get ripped off - its definitely best to look around and get a variety of quotes and battle the store off against each other (but I'm sure you know that). You will def finitely lose some money of course but i may not be too bad. It may be worth considering putting it in your local paper!

    Although the Wii is good fun its definitely mostly about the novelty value of it - its in its element when you have friends around and just want it as something to mess around with in the background. The Xbox 360 is UNDENIABLY a better computer console but it takes itself more seriously than the Wii with less lighthearted games. Better graphic, better game-play, better game selection and phenomenal online interface and gaming (love playing on Xbox Live, great if your friends have one too) combine to make it the best console around!

    On paper the PS3 is supposedly better but the isn't the case as of yet. It has the potential to be superior than the 360 but won't be for a few years yet, and should be cheaper by then too.

    I'd say you're making the right decision.

    Good luck.

  2. i think you should stick w/ the wii cus i got both & right now ive had them for 2 years each . xbox got boring fastest .

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