
Should i treat her harshly?

by  |  earlier

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she says we are like best friends, but i found out its all a sham. she just wanted someone to be her buffer, so shes not alone, she two faced. she deleted me from msn, then lied about it, and prob laughs at me when im not around. shes always talking to me and shes in my class. do i ignore her/cold shoulder?

she said she grew up lonely, and is always bored.




  1. well i think you should try talking to her and tell her straight up how you feel you shouldnt let her treat you that way stand up for yourself im not being harsh if anyone every did that to me i would say something and if she keeps doing it even if you say something igmore her completly hang around other people make her feel less important

    hope i helped:))

  2. You don't need friends like that......

  3. Tell her how you feel and that if she doesn't change you will no longer be her friend. If she values your friendship she will at least try to change if not then you know shes not a real friend and you don't need to waste anymore time with her.

  4. well don't treat her harshly. just tell her to leave you alone:)

  5. forget about her she isnt a friend so just ignore her.

    Help Me Out Everybody Please:

  6. Well no wonder she grew up lonely if that's how she treats people!

    She doesn't sound like a real friend to me. Especially if she's laughing at you behind you're back. Sounds like she's making you her playtoy. I think you should tell her to either treat you like a friend or leave you alone. If she tries to pull anything like "well it's your fault for *insert any lame excuse here*" give her the cold shoulder.

  7. Get over it..geez..drama.

  8. Make some new female friends.  You'll forget about her and get your revenge by making her jealous.  But just move on and leave it in the past.  She doesn't sound very nice.

  9. yes. ignore her. dont play along with her games. dont give her control. you're right, shes only using you for the moment and will ditch you when she finds someone she deems better.

  10. haha you could forget or play with her head. i beat you think about what shes thinks about you all the time right. ok turn things around be nice to her talk to her  who cares if shes weird. theres a lot more but your not ready yet so just be nice and still talk to her don't take her seriously man!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  11. Just forget her. If you ignore her once she figures out that you don't want to talk to her. She won't talk to you.

  12. ignore her and when she says things to u make her feel weird like when u think shes laguhing at u behind ur back

    say to her in a convo... ddon'tyou hate it when people are 2faced and laguh at others behind there back.

  13. well u dont have to ignore her.

    just hang out with her as a friend

  14. Say "Hey, I'm not doing this stupid c**p. Make up your mind.", then walk away and let her boil that one over for a few days.

    Women admire confidence and determination. Strength is also a phenomenal plus.

  15. She obviously doesn't care about you, she just want someone to talk to, so she doesn't feel like a loner, so yeah just ignore her well don't make it obvious just gradually stop talking to her. and if she really did see you as a friend she wouldn't treat you like that. but then again maybe your just over reacting about the whole thing.  

  16. aww...i am sorry =(

    i got rid of a friend like that about a year ago.

    i wouldn't say "treat her harshly" but watch out for yourself.

    don't completely stop contact, but lower the amount of time you talk to her. she might open her eyes and find out that it isn't cool to treat people like this.

    if she doesn't completely stop talking to her.

    it seems that she is insecure with herself. =/

    can you help me?;...

  17. dont be her friends, but dont be mean 2 her. when ppl act like that it means that they r selfconcious and dont like their life. if some1 has a good life then they have nothing to me mad about. just let it go and just stop being her friend...just dont do it in a rude/harsh way

  18. I would tell her I have someone else so she will think your not bothering by what she did. Find a way to brush her off

  19. She does not deserve you as a friend,forget her. You're not responsible for her loneliness and you're not her nanny.If she wants to keep the friendship she has to change her attitude towards you.

  20. Ask her why shes been being like that OR ignore her, if she likes you she will talk 2 u, if she doesn't then you've got your answer.

  21. no

  22. well if you think shes not a good friend .......... just find a better friend to hang out with one that you don't think is laughing at you behind your back.  talk to her about it ask her what she thinks of you x*x

  23. just get 2 kno her more

    help with mine;...

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