
Should i try and talk to him? ?

by  |  earlier

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there's this guy, i worked with him, we didnt leave on good terns with each other, but he works at a rest. near me, should i stop in to eat if he approaches me, (which he prob. will since he has to check on every table being a manager) talk to him like nothing bad happened btw us, like hedidnt hurt me and vice versa and become facebook friends w.him? in the beginning he was alright, i dont know what happened , it really saddens me the way we never connected as friends, he is a friendly guy, so its weird we never connected like that.he was my manager, he's 26, and im 21we have a lot in common, one sport we play in particular that its rare , he said once when we were alone "you shouldsee my jersey and helmets, then he told me "i love you but i think you're a *****" but he was drunk, when he said it, ( i tend to be abrupt and speak my mind and talk w.out thinking ) i dont do it on purpose and he knows that)he would be caring sometimes, but sometimes a jerk, i want to know what went wrong and why did we both let it get out of hand so should i talk to him..deep in my heart i feel like he wants to talk to me about everything that happened btw us.. i feel like he really cares and would like a relationship..i dont know am i crazy for thinking that? so should i talk to him?

i did hurt him, so he prob. hates me and thinks i hate him..but i would like to talk to him and go from there




  1. To eliminate the thoughts you have in your mind, I think that yes you should talk to him and go from there. I think there is  something in you that is still connecting you with him. So give it a try dear and see what happens. If he feels the same about you, then do not worry because everything will go just fine. But if he hates you, then do not worry either. It will be his lost not yours. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

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