
Should i try it even though i have never done it before?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike alot of my friends are in volleyball and they say it is really fun and i should get into it. i am a freshman and i didn't do it this year...which i really regret. but i have never actually played volley ball on a team before..i never played it in middle school which i also regret. i would really like to get into it cuz everyone thinks i would like it and so do i. and also i regret not doing a sport cuz the from the town i am ....sports are EVERYTHING! Should i still try volleyball next year (10th grade) even though i have never done it before...will people make fun of me and say i suck???

My friend told me that i should do some vball camps with her over the u think that would help???




  1. Volleyball is a really fun sport to play! i think that you should definetly try out and you should go to the camps.  Going to the camps is what has helped me the most!!

  2. do it! vball is so much fun, and even if your not the best youll have lots of fun. and if someone gets down on you cuz u missed a few bumps or spikes or whatev. forget them.

  3. no they wont make fun of you cause you suck.You should go with your friend it would help you because you will get ore practice at it.

  4. Go for it. It's so much fun.

  5. its never to late to young volleyball!

    it easy and fun youll learn very quickly!

    if you want to get even better i think you should go to the camp with your friend

    trust me if you dont this type you will regret it even more than before

    so go for it!

  6. it is always good to try new things. if you really want to try it than go for it!!!!!!!!!! yes, volleyball camp will help you.

  7. volleyball is a great sport and i think that you should give it a try, and since you've never played it before,  you need all the help you can get. go to some camps maybe to some games to observe the basic rules and just keep practicing, and if you don't make it try it again, i was the same way, i hadn't played 7th or 8th grade volleyball but when i was a freshman i tried out and i made it, good luck and i hope that this helps!

  8. practice at a local park, if it has volleyball nets, and do the camps at there will be someone worse than you there, so no one will make fun of you. But, if you are uncoordinated, and have never played sports, then it may not be the best idea

  9. yes,volleyball is an awesome sport.i play volleyball too. ur friend iz right goin to a volleyball camp will really help you became a better volleyball player =]

  10. yea try it as it is better to try than to regret. i have been playing for awhile and i found it hard when i first started playing (back in Samoa) i found it so hard compared to the islanders but it just helped me boost my confidence! It is fun and you can meet new people (and sliding on your knee pads is soo fun!)

  11. volleyball is a great sport ! I bet you would love it, I got 2 of my friends (who 'hated' volleyball) to play last year, and they loved it, now its their favorite sport !

    You should definately try to play, its a blast, and even if you aren't as good as everyone else, you will still be having fun with your friends and thats all that counts ! :]

    You can start practicing now, at home, with a volleyball. If your house/garage roof slants down (like most do) just hit the ball up, let it roll down, hit it back up, and so on. Thats how I practice.

    Have your friends that play volleyball help you.

    If I were you, I would try to get onto a rec center team, and thats a good way to learn.

    And my old coach always told me, if you go to a few volleyball camps over the summer, you will become very good, and you may be able to make varsity :]

    But a lot of it depends on how dedicated you are to volleyball, if you are naturally atheletic, if you play on a rec center/club team, or if you go to a volleyball camp.


    If you do play, you will have a lot of fun, and you will not regret it ;]

    hope this helps & best wishes to you ! :]


  12. well it seams to me that you answered your own question

  13. I think u should take a chance, maybe do a camp like i did and what do u know i made the team. I hope i helped and good luck if you try out for the team.

  14. def do vb camp if u can take camp u can take the team.

    gl thats wut i did and i rocked it.

    best of luck.mywishes to ya!

  15. OF COURSE! volleyball is really fun and you can learn so i say GO FOR IT!

  16. You can practice the techniques used in volleyball, in a park with your friend. She can show you the basics and how they work - if you use a soft volleyball (all it needs is the correct air pressure, which is such that you can press into the volleyball with your thumbs about 1/8th inch) you will do fine.

    You'll probably get sore arms with doing digging - but every beginner has that problem. Just wear a thick jersey.

    It is major fun, that is the key reason for playing - gets you laughing and smiling, etc. You have to be able to laugh at yourself...

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