
Should i try marijuana?

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I'm 16 and I'm basically like the school nerd. I was thinking that maybe if I could control myself that I would stop myself at just trying it, but I have no idea. I'm such a goodie 2 shoes that if anybody heard about it they wouldn't believe it, and I might be in the clear.

I just want to see what it is like I would really appreciate some opinions




  1. well to tell you the truth, trying it once won't be a real experience, in fact, you may not even get high.  time brings a better appreciation for this herb.

  2. No it makes you go crazy!! It's not worth it. Besides, nerd are cool ;)

  3. N-O

    DO NOT listen to anyone who tells you to do so. It messes up your body, mind and your life

  4. I think people should wait until they finish school before tyring drugs. It is just easy to get caught up in them (trust me it is more fun to get stoned than study). Just wait a couple years and then try what you want.  

  5. Don't.

    Not because you're a "goodie 2 shoes".

    Don't do it for reputation.

    Just don't do it.

  6. DUDE!! NO weed is the worse thing you could do. LIVE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE.  anyone who does weed is a loser stoner. Dont' please.

  7. if you like to cough until you turn purple and then walk around feeling really sleepy and  not getting much accomplished then try it ,but  i wouldn't bother way overrated.

  8. live your life the way you want to, when you're 50 do you want to look back and go "i've never experienced that feeling in my one life"? it's not all that bad of a thing.

    timi hendrix... what? with a name like that you say no? wtf...

  9. stay good dont do drugs

    weed is terrible who cares if so called "cool" kids do it

    pfft they arent cool at all once im finished with them

    thinking weed is cool pfft weed is just something to say im somebody when really there nothing stay bright kid and someday you will be owner of some company

  10. weed i tried it in the 9th grade the 1st time i did it i got high after that i kinda did it for about 8 years i even smoked it with my big bro.ill tell u what i had some of the best fun in my life with marijuana i would do it with girls and wink wink do it.but yeah i got hooked to weed i would smoke it a lot before school sometimes in school after school before work during work after work. yeah you get the point.the other thing is u will wast a lot of money i would spend about 100$ a week maybe more that's cuz i would always smoke the good stuff chronic weed".i guess u have to have a strong Brain to do it.don't do it to be cool and don't try other drugs because it can lead to heaver drugs like cocaine,e,mushrooms and the list goes on.most of these people are trying to scare u after all it's just a natural herb!!!!!!!!!

  11. That sounds like a great idea. Can I be the first to smoke it with you?

  12. Sure why not. It doesn't mean you'll immediately start snorting cocaine and shooting up heroin like everyone wants you to believe. Just be careful, don't get caught, and don't make it a habit! :)

  13. no, my anxiety is off the chain because of it.

    if u want to do it, you should do it for the right reasons (and ppl there are RIGHT reasons, dont be judgemental...) not because u want to seem cool or whatever

    good luck

    nerds ARE cool

  14. don't do it people can make dumb choices these days they think that drugs make them feel better when it actually kills them oh and by the way buddy its addicting and dont do it unless you want to deal with the cops

  15. You shouldn't smoke to look or be cool, you should smoke because you like it but dont let it get out of hand it could ruin your life

  16. I don't think you should give in to peer pressure at this point. There is nothing wrong with being a "goody 2 shoes." Concentrate on your studies and make friends with other nerds. None of this high school stuff matters after you graduate. There will be plenty of time for you to experiment when you are a little older.

  17. no no no and no

    did u see amy whinehouse before she did weed?

    she was SOOOO prettyyy

    i didnt even knew she looked like thatt.

    this is what it'll do to youu.

    you wont bee cool you will be a fool.


    ok it seems u want to drop a 'goody goody image'

    who cares! u probably arent and those people those things probably dont know you as well as they think. be happy who you are and dont throw away your life.

    well thats my bit done

    hope u think this carefully through

  19. sweetheart do you know how hot some women find nerds especially nerds that make hella money and drive nice cars have a nice place to kick it almost all of the potheads i know don't have s**t and the one that do hardcore drugs are stuck. you don't have to be high to enjoy life nerds are HOT

  20. Do it if you really want to, don't let anyone pressure you and make sure everything happens on your terms. It's an extremely enjoyable experience, and for those who say you can't get high your first time BS, you guys are just retards that don't know how to inhale. Just don't let it be your main pre-occupation, people tend to dislike it if you only ever talk about drugs.

    Edit: It also has no effect on my schoolwork or actual proffession, I've maintained a 3.7 GPA or better for four years now.

    Being nerdy also has nothing to do with this, I do computer IT work for a living, I'm nerdy as h**l, and I'm still a "stoner". You stay the same person more or less, don't let these naysayers tell you otherwise, you're not going to turn into some hardcore druggie badass just by toking sometimes.

    The only negative side effects I've ever experienced from marijuana was a slightly fuzzy memory for a few days one time (no problems after that though), and being really hungry (once you get some munchies though  it's like heaven).

  21. dont try it

  22. its fun

    doooo it!


    plus people will like you more

    so that will help

    with the nerd problem

  23. Ok this is a very real question no one can tell what you should do ive been smoking for 10 years now and and there is absolutley nothing wrong with it 42.4% of Americans are Marijuana smokers. dont do it to be cool If you want to try it then try it Marijuana is NOT a drug it is a natural plant God put on this earth and remember if you do try it and like it stay with marijuana dont do any drugs marijuana and drugs are completely two diffrent things in no way do i condone drug use  if you are a nerd which i dont think anyone is a nerd  and you really want to do this educate yourself on the subject and do not read stuff that is wrote by the government because it is all lies i promise you  the best and most informative marijuana sit is  and im going to leave you with this incase anybody tells you diffrent   you CANNOT die from smoking marijuana at all

    Marijuana's therapeutic uses are well-documented in modern scientific literature.  The studies indicate that marijuana provides symptomatic relief for a number of medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma.  There is also evidence that smoked marijuana and/or THC reduces muscle spasticity from spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, and diminishes tremors in multiple sclerosis patients.  Patients and physicians have also reported that smoked marijuana provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures, insomnia and chronic pain, among other conditions.

  24. Don't do it!

    Seriously my step brother has been doing for friends and impressing people. He turned so bad that tomorrow he's going to court and the cop already told us he's going to jail. So for everybody in your family DONT

    Plus I think Geeks and Nerds can be pretty hot

  25. NO- It's illegal AND it screws up your body. Totally disgusting. If you don't like being a nerd, trust me- pot isn't gonna make you any more popular with the police.

  26. Ok, i'm not against smoking pot, but if you think its gonna make you cooler you are out of luck.  I tried pot when i was 15 and there is absolutely no addiction.  It has been proven that marijuana is not physically addictive, people just like it so they do it again there is no thirst for it after you've done it once or even 100 times.  Personally i didn't find it a big deal to smoke more than once i smoke every couple weeks.  I don't recommend smoking everyday and the reason is that you cant possibly never get caught by your parents or even the po-po's if you do it a lot. So yeah give it a try you will definitely be able to stop after a try, and don't worry about your health unless you start doing it frequently.

  27. Well, I wont tell you not to do it because it is YOUR decision. Consider if you have an addictive personality. If you do, just trying it may not be a good idea. Personally, I believe it isnt worth all the hype.

  28. Honestly, you won't even get high you're first time.  It's not worth it, being an avid smoker myself it just gets you in a slump of laziness.  Wait until college, you're not missing out on anything.  By the time you realize you don't need to smoke, everyone else will already be doing it and you can be the bigger person while they're passing out in Senior English to later fail.

    You've got you're whole life ahead of you to do whatever you please.

  29. first of all dont do it to impress anyone. you may like it you may not. my first time i loved it. but when the first time dont do too much cuz you might bug out on yourself. it really calms you down and can get you very creative. and plus since u r a goodie 2 shoes and you say they wont believe you, you can just smoke more! lol.  

  30. Id say definitely stay away from it. I find it much more attractive when a guy has never tried drugs before. especially if you do it for the reputation. I strongly advise against that.  

  31. I know you're probably getting all these answers saying "don't do it! it kills your brain cells!"

    These people don't know wtf they're talking about. Marijuana is the safest drug on the planet.

    The choice is yours, but I strongly recommend it ;)

    Here's two really good websites with FACTS about marijuana

    Myths and Facts:

    Why it's really illegal:

    It really is a fantastic drug. Food tastes better, music sounds better... Last week I got high and wrote a play, I did not simply deflate on my couch.

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