
Should i try out for Cross Country?

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Its gonna be my Junior year and i want to get in a sport, i've played soccer through my early years, but i lost all my skills and didn't make the team, so i thought about cross country. I run for 1.5-2 miles about 3 times a week.

My average times for a mile is 6:50-7:11, I thought about track but i have more stamina than sprinting speed. Most of my friends say i should try out, but i dunno i want to hear from an experienced person. If cross country is not right for me, what is?





    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  2. cross country is a hard sport you have to practice hard, run hard, you have hard races, everything is HARD. my practice is usually 2-4 miles and 7 miles on our long run days, which are only once a week. i am a varsity runner and we have 5k races, thas like 3.something miles i think like 3.1. and jv races are always 2 miles or 2.something miles. but anyways the chances of a guy being on varsity are low. since there are so many guys who run. also since the team can only have a full varsity team of seven people. most guys are on jv unless they're outstanding runners, or yea if your school is small or they have a bad team. i really don't know if you should run bcuz the competition for guys is really hard. and i averaged 6:32-6:41 a mile, so i was running around 19 something. guys run about 16 something or lower. so if you can run a 3.1 mi race in that time you might be able to make var. good luck with that.

  3. That's a solid start. If you trained hard you could probably make the team. Before you tryout though try running some 5Ks and 6Ks to see if you like running long distances.

  4. Only do it if u r ready to work.  it is  a lot of fun and dont worry, u will get way faster over time.  my freshman year i started out at 22:24 minuts for 3 mile but at the end of the season i PR'd at 17:33

  5. xc is a very rewarding sport and a lot of fun too!! i would try to increase your mileage before practice starts. be ready to work hard and good luck!!

  6. Cross country is awesome. You should do it! The races are 5k which is 3.1 miles. Guys usally get under 20 minutes but there are some who run 20-21ish. To get in shape run at least 5x a week and run longer distances too, varying from 3miles to 8 miles.

  7. honestly, i dont think ur cut out to be varsity or even scoring JV (unless ur school is really bad or small). i have done cross country for 3 years (8th grade-10th) for high school. i averaged a 6:30 mile and iwasnt even scoring JV. and 3 miles is no where near enough. we do anywhere from 6-11 a day in practice and the meets are 5Ks. however, getting faster is really easy if you try hard and im sure you can lower your time easily if you just run. good luck.

  8. i think it is right for you

    i have done cross country for 3 years an have recently give it up

    but i think your times are great an u have room to improve

    i think u defo shud take it up !!

    hope my advice has helped  xx

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