
Should i try out for my schools volleyball team????? and i need some tips if i do.?

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i tryed out for my schools softball and basketball team but i did make my 6th and 7th grade year. im still trying out for softball and basketball team. but i was not sure if i want to try out for the volleyball team. my gym teacher said i would do great in volleyball. he said i was a good server. but there is a girl who always makes every team. she thinks she is the best and no one can beat her. please help me chose if should go for the team.




  1. There's no need to worry about your lack of experience if you're only in middle school (or even a high school freshman). You SHOULD try out for the team... there's absolutely nothing you can lose.

    From experience, I can tell you that coaches really appreciate hard work. I had no experience when I tried out for my school's JV team as a freshman. Halfway through the year, I got moved up to varsity. (and yes... our team is good. we made it to the final four of the Virginia state tournament this year).

    By the way, gym coaches are very reliable when it comes to recommending students for specific sports. They have seen you play and might be able to vouch for your dedication if the volleyball coach happens to ask around (it does happen).

    Ignore the girl who thinks she's so great. The worst thing you can do is let her attitude towards you affect your decision whether or not to try out for the team. And you should know, that girl, no matter how much she brags, will never make it big in the volleyball world. When you begin to get better, coaches expect you to help out the new players. With the kind of attitude this girl seems to have, it may be difficult for her to do so. Also, the ability to improve is extremely important in any sport. This girl probably thinks she knows everything, which makes her a difficult person to coach.

    Here are some tips to get in shape for volleyball as well as improve you basic skills:

    - DEFENSE comes first (unless you are very tall and will probably be a middle blocker). Practice bumping and setting with yourself or against a wall. These are the skills that every volleyball player needs, regardless of the position they play. Try to do as many repetitions as possible!

    - (I know this isn't possible for some schools or areas) Ask around and see if there are conditioning or jump training sessions in your area. They don't have to be for specifically volleyball, any kind of exercise to increase the height of your vertical jump or your foot speed would do. Your athleticism tells the coaches a lot about your potential as a player.

    - See if there are any camps in your area. Many club teams offer summer camps for beginners or specific positions. Go to , mouse over to Wanna' Play?, click on USA volleyball regions, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link that says "contacting the region in your area". This will take you to a map. From there just find your state and follow the link to its website. Most will list websites for the separate club teams in your region. (I'm assuming that you live in the US. If not, there are websites for other countries as well.)

    - If you are lucky enough to have a YMCA (or any other place) in your area with open gym for volleyball, try and go as many times as possible. Usually there are plenty of adults and high school players that are more than willing to help out, especially if they see potential in you.

    - At tryouts, go above and beyond what the coaches ask of you. If you are conditioning in stations, don't walk from area to area, RUN! Don't eat right before tryouts, but eat healthy (and stay away from dairy products... they aren't the best things in the world when you are nervous and excited). Most importantly, be confident. Believing that you will make it because of what you have done to prepare may really help you out.

    - Work hard. Don't be afraid to sweat. And especially, don't dwell on what others will think of you. Remember... you are the one who put in the hours to get better. And hopefully, you will be the one to make it.

    - If you need tips on specific skills... this site is great. Most people seem eager to help out.


  2. If your teacher said you would be good and if you enjoy playing it then you should go for it.Follow your instincts!!

  3. If you are confident in yourself, you will totally do well in tryouts. I think you should go for it.

  4. I started out as nothing more than a gym class volleyball player and I play varsity my freshman year. Just listen to what your mentors say and improve your game with and around that.

  5. Well you should deffinetly go for maybe you should just brush up on your skills a litle bit tho so you'll be ready. And who knows maybe you'll both make the team.

  6. I think it never hurts to try. if you just work hard in tryouts and show them that you are a hard worker, coachable, and are able to pick new skills up, then i think you should do pretty good. i have volleyball tryouts coming up in august myself!!! Good luck!!

  7. I'm going into 8th grade too and I made my schools volleyball team in the fall. My team hardly ever loses and have been city champs for the past 5+ years. I didn't play in 7th grade, so I had to work really hard to make it. Here are some tips, cause I know it can be hard, but I think that you should try out. My gym coach was the reason I got into into volleyball too!

    *ignore that girl. there's a girl like that at my school, and guess what? she didn't make the volleyball team.

    *practice setting agains a wall. one of the things i did was set the ball to myself once and then set it against the wall. and then set it to myself twice and then set it against the wall, ext.

    *bump the ball against the wall, doing the same thing above but with bumping instead.

    *try and get someone to help you with your serve. try having them stand at different distances and positions away from you and try to serve it to them. it helped me a lot.

    *go to tryouts and be confident. i know that can be hard when you're first trying something, but it will really show the coach that you can handle anything!

  8. you should try out! Volleyball is a fun sport and is easy to learn.

    Even if you arent very good at the sport most coaches look for attitude. Keep a positive attitude and show them that you are trying hard.

    Be very social and try to talk with all the people there.

    Once the coaches see that you have good team spirit they will look farther into getting you on the team.

    Dont mind this other girl that is bugging you. Think to yourself that this is "your tryout."

    She has nothing to do with you and your tryout.

    good luck!

  9. DO IT. and practice alot and outdo that jerk :P

    get with the people who were on the vball team in the past,if your friends with them and put practices together.

    run alot,do wall jumps,wall sits,pushups,situps,etc.

    goood luck!

  10. Im assuming that you are going into 8th grade.

    Most middle school levels dont require a massive amount of experience.

    If I were you I would try and go to maybe a volleyball camp, or even some open gym nights at a local recreation center. Then you can touch up on your skills a little bit.

    Now, if a gym teacher told you that you would do well than im thinking you are pretty decent. I think you should go for the team. What do you have to lose? At least you tried.

    As for this girl that thinks shes better than everyone. [[Her parents are probably putting it into her head, and she is over-confident]]

    She should not stand in the way of you trying out or not. Its all about you.

    Good Luck! And I hope you try out.

    [[Make sure you cheer on everyone at try-outs, and have posititve energy.]]

  11. just try. im planning to try out for my school team too and if i dont make it ill be happy cause i tried. you should go for it :)

  12. You should try out for the team.  It would be nice if you had experience, but you can still make the team on athletic ability and attitude.  

    Go to a volleyball camp this summer.

    Buy a volleyball.  Practice every day.  If you have a friend, get them to work with you.

    Work out.  Since you play basketball, you know what to do.  Basketball and volleyball are very similar in physical needs.  

    Have a positive attitude at the tryouts.  Call every ball that is coming towards you and you are planning to play.  And call it loud.  Hustle every play and between plays.  Example-teams will use a hitting line.  Most people will hit the ball and walk to get the ball and get back in line.  RUN to get the ball and RUN to get back in line.  Not only does it show your hustle, you get more reps in the drill.  Encourage your fellow players.  If they make a good play, tell them.  If they make a terrible play, encourage them.  Never criticize a fellow team mate with words or your non verbal looks.  LISTEN to the coach.  When the give you advice, your response to the coach is "I will work on that."  And mean it.  

    If it does come down to you and that other girl, you will make most teams over her.  If you have athletic ability and a positive, you can be taught volleyball.  The other girl can not be taught.  She sounds like she already knows everything.  

    Good luck

  13. Don't pay attention to that other girl, if this is a sport you really want to play go for it! A tip to you is take your time when serving I have found that if I rush I mess up, but when I slow down and concentrate I do great. If your not familiar with the different types of hits ( bump, set, spike) I suggest you get a volleyball and practice.

  14. heck yes you should i played volleyball for two years and i had a blast it was awsome you should totally try out!

  15. No offence to them, but Matastic is completely wrong.

    You don't need to have experience to make the team. I made the team without even really playing before because I have good coordination from softball. Don't let someone tell you you can't do something! I bet you could!

    And I practice 2 or 3 times a week off of my roof, and that helps a lot. The best way to be the best is practice, practice, practice!

  16. not to disappoint you,but you really need to play or get the experience BEFORE  you try out on a school team.

    It's very unusual to have never played before and make the school team unless your parents are the team coach.

    Play for th YMCA or your local city league to get the experience first.

    Best of luck to you !

  17. You should just to try it i would!!!Just do your best!

  18. of course you should go for the team!! just because one girl makes it doesnt mean u cant. theres 6 positions on a vb court. i doubt she can do all of them at once... her thinking shes better than anyone else should be motivation for u to prove her wrong!!!!

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