
Should i tryout for freshman guys soccer team??

by  |  earlier

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soccer's really important to me but i don't know if i should... my parents probably won't let me but i want to decide for my self... i have another friend who will come with me if i decide i do want to though... any advice????




  1. OMG  yes!!! you definatly should!  Because trust me ive seen freshman  even Junior varcity players for my division 1 school get owned by the girls team hahah , i have to say i am captian of varcity division 1 baby! yesss haha... but yeh i think you definatly should....i played under 16 and i had a girl on my team its so much fun lol she became one of the "guys" and no-one even really hit on her lol really helps build friendship and makes memories!

    just be confident dont give up....and the number one rule

    do not complain or whine..thats the biggest mistake a woman can make in anything if she is trying to be sucessfull in a position a male would ussually be in... GO YOU!!!!

  2. is there a girls soccer team?

    if not then go   ahead if you love soccer that much then go through with it

  3. You ever see the movie "Gracie."   You can do whatever you want...but are you good enough?

    Remember, you have the burden of representing girls in a boys world.

  4. They won't let you.

    I tried. They made me play on the girls team.

  5. well if theres a girls team try out for that. If not then of course try out for the boys team you want to play soccer! so play. I doubt you would try out though. I dont know anyone who would do that. If you do let me know!! lol

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