
Should i tryout for the team?

by  |  earlier

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I love sports. I currently play softball but us softball players aren't intense athletes. So i decided i want to play an additional sport...Volleyball. There is this great select team that has one spot open for a setter. Problem is i have never played volleyball on a team should i wait out this year and join a rec. team or should i try it?




  1. If it is something that you want to do, and are commited to doing it, then go for it :]

    Volleyball is MY favorite sport, its a BLAST !

    I love it so much !

    You should try out, and if you don't make it, just play on a rec team like you said.

    volleyball (especially setting) is something you can practice at home, and you will get better.

    If you are a setter, you have to be fast, and able to always get the 2nd hit.

    Good luck ! :]


  2. you never know, you might have some raw talent and end up making the team, that's what happened to me, but it took alot of effort to get good. i'm still not complete on switching and transition so here's a few tips:

    *when you are new at setting, it can take a little getting used to, so what you do is, take your hands and hold them up straight; fingers spread. then, put them together to form a triangle. now, curve all your fingers slightly and let them COMPLETELY relax. it is very important to relax and not be tense at all. practice setting againt a wall, pushing up and not out, and not "slapping the ball", before you go for tryouts.

    *for setting at the net, you will want to be parallel to the net and push up and out, not too fast, but in a target range ''set'' for the hitter to hit.

    *ask the coach about switching and transition, when i got into volleyball, i knew nothing about it. when you switch, you will switch to your homebase, being setter. your transition should be fairly easy as you will just be standing in the target range, or running to the passed ball, however you must be on your toes and ready to run if the ball is passed slopily.

    with work you could be good. :]]

    hope this helps.

  3. It never hurts to give it a go.

    If you don't make it, at least you know how the tryouts work so you can attempt it again next year.

  4. Sure.  If you think you'll enjoy it, why not?  It won't hurt.  Since you're already play a sport you should be athletic enough to learn how to play (assuming that you don't know how).  Go for it.

  5. It never hurts I just started playing this year and I ended up be exceptionally good at it. It's a really great sport, and sports in general are usually fun.

  6. always try! if you decide you dont like it no one will hate you because you quit. if they have one spot and you could take it, go for it. it is a fun amazing sport and if you dont make it try next year and join a rec. team to help you increase your skill. just trying it wont hurt! ;)

  7. yes you sound like you could make it and  you would fit right who cares wat other people think follow your dreams and dont do something you dont want to

  8. Never hurts to try for it. Which do you think you'd like better and go for that.

  9. I think you should try out if you make the team play with some teamates so youll get used to it but if you want to wait still practice with some of the volleyball players

  10. you should definetely go for it, and also look at this website

    for additional help if you don't know the basics

    good luck

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