
Should i upgrade to vista ultimate?

by  |  earlier

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I have windows xp installed on my laptop.

it has 2GB RAM and its a Dell vostro (im not that good about any other specs)

i have the chance to get vista ultimate for $40. should I upgrade from xp to vista? why or why not? thanks!




  1. Your computer doesn't seem to have the "power" to run Ultimate. I mean, it will run but slowly.

  2. 2 gb may not be good enough even for vista.. vista takes a lot of ram to run.. so if you want to have a computer that runs slow with vista on it basically just because it's vista.. go for it.. but best bet is just to keep it to XP because xp doesn't take up as much ram. plus some printers, scanners, and other computer parts may not be compatible with vista and will not work unless they have an update online for them or you buy vista compatible parts.

  3. Personally, I wouldn't upgrade to Vista at all, not at this time that is.  Give it a year or year-in-a-half after a major OS is released.  This gives them time to work out the bugs and release the necessary patches needed to make it compatible with other programs.  People are to quick to go with upgrades and do not do their research before hand.  This causes a lot of issues.  Be smart hold off a little before you do.

  4. nooo then you'll need a whole bunch of the tea or vista bath salts

  5. You should if you computer can handle it, make sure you download vista upgrade adviser and run a test to see what version of vista is right for you (Click the Link)

  6. No, your computer will run slowly on it, and as for the guy who said wait a year and a half, it's already been 2 years since it's release. And SP1 has already been released with all the patches.

    Your best go, would be to 'buy' the upgrade CD, but not actually use it yet. If you are planning to upgrade the computer, should you use the Ultimate CD, it will be very handy.

    Another reason why I am telling you to get it, but not use it is because the regular price to upgrade/purchase the ultimate CD is about $100-$150 more than what you just got offered.

    Hope this helps.

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