
Should i use energy saving bulbs in a fridge?

by Guest45001  |  earlier

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I have seen LED bulbs that might fit but they cost alot.

There are cheaper bulbs that fit they are super mini stick 5watt type.

I wanted to know if it would cause any problems in other fridges.The standard energy bulbs and the LED bulbs

My fridge never drops below 10c but i was wondering about other fridges that might be colder as it should be between 0c and 5c i think.

ps my fridge is turned right up




  1. save more energy by turning the refrigerator temp up one degree.

  2. Definitely save energy if you can, if nothing else for the electric bill but really we do need to waste less.

  3. use the proper bulb in the fridge get agrip your not going to save millions with this ponderence,I'm sure there are other places in your home that could use the energy saving bulbs.My last fridge was over 20 years old before we bought a new energy efficient one and still had the original bulb from when it was bought.If you use so much light bulb energy on the fridge then you are wasting more energy to keep the fridge cool because the door is open WAY to long

  4. No, most of the bulbs you are talking about take a few seconds to warm up to give off any real usable light. Kind of pointless don't you think? Unless you plan on standing there with the frig door open for a while until they warm up, but having the door open that long is a bit counterproductive...

  5. no point in using energy saving lights in a fridge they take too long to come on. By the time they have warmed up you would have shut the door.

    LED ones would work but for the amount of time you have the fridge door open you wouldn't notice any difference in energy use.

    A normal bulb losses energy through heat loss but they need to be on for a bit before they start to do that, so no point changing.

    The easiest way would be to have no bulb at all.

    As for the fridge temp then around 4c is normal. Yours might need the ice box part defrosting.

  6. you can buy energy bulbs for a fridge in a ironmonger shop

  7. It doesnt matter.

    Energy saving bulbs are not efficient if turned on intermittently for short periods.

    And any way, who cares

  8. Good question.

    Those energy bulbs take longer to start when the ambient temperature is cold.

    There will be a lot of pressure to turn down the thermostat in the years to come. How pleased will you be when you have to wait for the light to start whenever you enter a room.

    They burn dimmer when cold too.

  9. You could put it on a time-freeze.

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