
Should i use my grad money on a new camera or just for spending money?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know what i should do. In college next year i really want a new camera to document my first year and they camera i have now isnt bad but idk.

what to do?




  1. you should get a camera that you will use more often. it's important to take pictures, and fun! using it as spending money will not last like the pictures will.

  2. Has the thought ever occured to you to save it in case something you actually need comes up?  With prices rising, it's gonna be harder to buy gas and groceries.  Hold onto your money.  

    If nothing else, start a retirement account.  The sooner you start, the less you have to put away monthly.

  3. I vote for the new camera. If you get something major like that then you will always know what you spent your money on and everytime you look at it you will remember the good times you had in school. If you just blow it then it will just be gone and in a short amount of time you won't even remember what you spent it on. Go for the camera.

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