
Should i use rid-x on my septic or not?

by  |  earlier

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several plumbers have said not to and several have said we need to. we just paid another to unclog or drain. eventhough it had nothing to do with the septic system




  1. I've never heard of septic systems needing a chemical to work properly in all my schooling. If your tank isn't accumulating an excess amount of sediment, i wouldn't worry about it!  Clogged drains are unrelated to this issue.

    there's lots of products out there that are for sale that aren't needed. just because they are available, doesn't mean they're necessary. the best example is "2000 flushes" type in-tank bowl cleaners. i've replaced too many toilets that have been destroyed by these things to know that it's a pointless product.

    These tanks are designed to be low maintenance, and to run by themselves without interference.  natural bacteria will do the job.  these systems are designed that way.  Rid-X would be needed if the capacity of the septic tank is too low for the amount of waste being introduced to it.

    basically, unless you start having problems, just leave well enough alone!  trust me.

  2. septic tank works by bacteria eating  the stuff in there--rid-x is just putting more bacteria in there and thats good, i have always used it

    ps;; if you use alot of bleach it will kill the bacteria

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