
Should i use this as my suicide note? or is it just a depressing poem?

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from time to time i wonder about the day i will die

how far how near

and as time passes by

i wonder how long til i disappear

through the heartache

through the joy

through every mistake

people think my heart is a toy

i joke

i feel sad

i try to say the words but i choke

for that i am mad

i may call you a liar

when you say you love me

but inside me there is a burning fire

i don't know who i want to be

i don't know what i feel

i don't know how to cry

all i know is this is real

until the day i die

since the day of my birth

deep down in my soul

i wonder what this life is worth

how long til i lose control

i feel scared with the fall of each tear

this life is too hard to bare

the future isn't really clear

except i'm not there

you would think with all the laughter around

i could truly smile

or love might be found

or be happy for a while

i have nobody on my side

i'm my own team

cause my feelings i choose to hide

make me what to scream

i love the rain

i love the sun

they take away my pain

but so would a gun

so if you read this

and actually care

help me or choose to miss

cause i won't be there

so when my life comes to a hault

cause i jump out a window or slit my wrists

know it's not your fault

i was just pissed




  1.   Call them, and 1-800-525-LOVE (24-7) and read them the poem.

    (It'll p**s them off  ;)

    Your poem is very good.

    You sound intelligent, if angry....So you might enjoy "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, "Hope's Boy," Andrew Bridge, "Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei," Weinberger and Paz, "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, and "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

  2. stop crying...

    its a c**p lettter...

    dont kill your slef.....

    just plane stupid....

    uhhh, you wont be happy when ur dead..

    stay alive and live life.

    and grow up.  

  3. "i have nobody on my side

    i'm my own team

    cause my feelings i choose to hide

    make me what to scream"

    Well, I think I have a solution: don't hide your feelings. Seriously though, what the h**l? You even mention killing yourself over being "pissed". How old are you?

  4. Poem.

    You shouldn't kill yourself. I felt like this too, I thought nothing was worth living for all I knew is that I wanted to die. But things changed over time, good thing too, because I would've been gone a long time ago if things hadn't changed.

    It gets better trust me, I've been there. You can message me or email me if you want to talk.

    Good Luck with everything. Life is worth living, until you die, but not by suicide.

  5. Omg,

    this poems amazing,

    it's very deep, and has meaning.

    continue writing, it helps. (:

    And your really good @ it too,

    just please, suicide isn't the answer.

  6. its beautiful

    you have some real potential. do some more writing instead of offing yourself, please!

  7. thats an extremely depressing poem.

    but do not use this as a suicide note, because you shouldnt kill yourself!

    if you're having problems, get help, please. Don't end your life.

    answer mine:

  8. this is a sad yet beautiful poem, full of emotion. i can almost feel the pain just from reading it. the world needs your talent, you are a wonderful writer. killing yourself would just be cruel, to take away such talent from the earth. do you realize how many people would be hurt and crushed if you were gone? please just try to get through this painful time. i know it may not seem like it now, but things will get better. i've been through something like this, i wanted to commit suicide too. i thought no one care, i thought my life would never get better, but it has and i'm happy now. please, please do not do this. get help. and keep writing, you never know you're poems could one day help someone out who has been going through the same things as you. i mean do you see how many people who don't even know you, cared enough to comment on you poem and tell you to not end your life? people care. you may not realize it but they do, so please, stay alive. post more poems.

  9. plssssssssss dont commit suicide,face ur life ,strugle,and try hard 2 overcome it,i hav hope one day surely u will be a successful person:)come on cheerup

  10. I really hope you are not thinking of killing yourself. This is really good. People will never know your talents because you will never share them. I know how you feel. This reminds me of me and how I feel like all the time. But every time I think that its too much and I cant go on any longer I remember the good times Ive had and how I would have missed those if I had ended it all.Most of all,I think of who would miss me if I were gone. I think that is one of my biggest reasons. You may not think it,but there is always someone who cares about you and would be miserable if you were gone.

  11. "make me what to scream" typo

    "hault" its halt

    yes it's depressing, and even more depressing because it sounds like you're wanting to kill yourself for all the wrong reasons. if you want to talk about it, email me with your email.

  12. Oh Dear..... your poem is so real

    coming deep from your heart,

    you have seen this world

    right from the start.

    I really like your poem and was surprised that how two different identites, from different places can think same. My dear friend, I too write poems, and that is from the age of 8, my subject is also sad...and sounds like depressing... but I know that is the real thing.

    I have written 1000 of poem like this, and everytime i used to finish one, my mom used to cry and she used to be so worried for me, as she used to think that I am really going to cummit everybody thought who gave answer to your question....all of them are worried about you. It is hard to make them understand the real meaning of this. So honey , I understand you , you are very good, I want to read more from you.

    Best oF Luck

  13. you seem so smart! that was such a good poem. please realise that there are people who love you and care about you. please dont commit suicide, your worth alot.


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