
Should i wait for him to propose or just realize its over?

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we have been together 6years (since i was 14, him 16) our relationship was basically h**l for the first 2years but i thought "hey we're teens, of course they'll be fights & things" but we have been together 6years now (20 & 22years old now) he did a BAD mistake over xmas that included a really drunk night & him "feeling up" my friend (he only did it for a few minutes, no kissing) & i KNOW he only did it because he got the wrong idea from us (he thought 3sum) but this was NOT the case! anyway we are getting over it & i have to say im a GREAT girlfriend (not being big headed) but we have s*x 2times a day, i make him food/drink whenever he wants, we mainly watch whatever he wants, do the things he wants, (he is great to, takes me for dinner & is loving & takes care of me) but he just really upset me & instead of saying sorry he's watching a film! & we were talking about getting engaged 2years ago & still nothing (when xmas happened i obviously brought this up because i didnt want to but he was like "i have money coming in easter please give me a chance & ill prove to you my love" well its F##KING summer & i have nothing! i know we are young but its been 6years & this just add's that he doesnt give a s#it because he knows what this means (especially after i wanted to end it at xmas anyway & gave him a chance) its like he cant be bothered? i dont know what to think? he says he wants to get married then he does c**p like in xmas (which was he first mistake, like that anyway) & he never proposes. please help what should i do? we live together & are in uni to so it would be very hard to break up but do you think its time to give up anyway? plus ive stopped orgasaming with him almost completly what does this mean? i love him so much i just dont know if he appriciates me. please any advice?




  1. Not a good guy.Please move on.You can do better.And dedicate that song to him by Ivy Queen-que lloren

  2. i think it's time to move on.  go experience other relationships.  it would probably be good for you.

  3. You are good to him but he isn't good to you.  Not a good relationship for you.  Move on.  Your young.  

  4. I would break up with him.  It sounds like you are a good girlfriend but he DOES NOT sound like a good boyfriend.  Marrying him would be a mistake if he did propose.  

    You never should have moved in with him either since I'm guessing the two of you are renting and are probably both listed on the lease.  Due to that, you will both be responsible for rent, but having to pay rent for a place you don't live and being able to be single is way better than staying in a pathetic relationship with a pathetic guy.

  5. So your saying you want to leave if he doesn't propose? But then you say you love him so much? I don't think you really plan on being with him forever. I've been with my fiance for 7 years, since we were teens too. We are in no rush to get married, neither should you  be! Give it time. Don't try to force him or bug him to propose to you. Take it day by day! Don't try to rush you life.  Good luck hun!

  6. My aunt went through a very similar relationship with her EXboyfriend.  They had been together since she was thirteen and blah, blah, blah, all the same mistakes you guys have made and he gave all the same promises.  The bottom line is you need to experience life. The two of you are just comfortable with each other.  Its not love, you're still too young to know what love is.  Christmas may have been his first mistake, but it won't be his last.  If he was committed to you, there would be no doubts, you would know.  

    Your best bet, coming from the point of view of an engaged woman who has lived life to the fullest, is to move on.  Experience life on your own.  You don't even know what its like to be an adult.  If you don't move on now, you will end up with many regrets.  That man is going to live his life and enjoy it, with or without you hanging around!

  7. He has someone who waits on him hand and foot, services him sexually, and forgives him for unforgivable behavior.  Why should he give up a good thing, with no strings attached?  If he commits, he will have to grow up.

    The question is, why are you OK with how he treats you?  Is this the best you think you can get?  Sure, it's hard to break up and start over, but it's even harder when you wake up and realize how many years you've wasted when you could have been with someone who respects you.

  8. You need to get the heck out of this relationship, and then examine why you stayed as long as you did. No one with self esteem would have put up with any of that ... teenager or not, hun.

    He's horrible to you, and the fact that you have no idea if he appreciates you (which he doesn't) says a lot. I know every day that my fiance loves and appreciates me and I have no doubt about it.

    Dump the loser. You'll be really happy you did once you get over the heartbreak.

  9. Are you sure you love him, though? How many other people have you been with?

  10. I am in a similar relationship. I have been with him for 5.5 years, we struggled through him cheating ect but have made it through. We have lived together for over a year now, and I am very happy, but feel our relationship is going no where.

    We have a 10 year age gap (I am 21 he is 31) and he still doesn't know if he wants to get married. Marraige is the most important thing to me.

    I have decided to join the Military and presue my career as a Medic. I have offered him marriage to give him financial support, benefits and allow him to take a year off work and do whatever he wants, but he is not interested.

    We are going to stay together, but honestly, I don't know if it will last.

    Do what is right for YOU. But don't forget to live your life.

    I feel like I have lost a lot of years on him, while it was my CHOICE, I still feel like I should have been living for ME.  

  11. Listen, you're just 20 years old and he's only 22- I don't care how many years you've been together, you're still so young!!  I don't think marriage is a good option for people as young as yourself...why not just let your relationship take its course and see where it leads, rather than stress out about getting married?  It's not like you're pushing 40 and worried about your chances of still having still have so much time ahead of you.  Don't let some arbitrary timetable in your head rule your life.  Your man loves you, and always has, but you are the only woman he's ever known probably- maybe he just needs to take the marriage thing slow.  I think you should follow his lead and slow down with the marriage talk too, because if you think you changed a lot when you were teenagers, just wait until you see how many changes, both emotional and financial, you'll go through in your twenties.  You're both growing up together, but you can't rush into being completely adult and married until you both know who you are as individuals.  

  12. he is a college student with a girlfriend who will do anything for him.  this is the reality.   he is not a grown man, he is just a guy in school with a girlfriend.  girls grow up faster than guys. i would speculate marriage is the furthest thing from his mind for a long time.  

    living together, giving everything to him for nothing in return, well, that is where you are.  that is your reality.  you are sorta stuck, why would he marry you, to get something he doesnt get now?  well, no.  

    it is just a college boyfriend girlfriend situation, he is nowhere near ready for marrige.  it is not an engagement or marriage situation.  when he is out of school, in a career and financially stable he will be ready to marry and that is years from now.  and there is no guarantee that when he is ready to marry he will even want to marry you.  

    he probably likes you just fine.  but marry you?  that is not in the cards  yet, if at all.  

  13. Sounds like he already has everything he wants from you without the ring, so why would he give you one?  Do yourself a favor and move on a little wiser.

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