
Should i wait till bush is out of the white house before signing up as a platoon leaders for the marines?

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Should i wait till bush is out of the white house before signing up as a platoon leaders for the marines?




  1. Before you sign up,you should take a proper grammar usage class with emphasis on capitalization and sentence structure,also you don't sign up as a platoon leader you are promoted to that position,oh that's right you can do that on any computer/video game sorry my bad.What flavor kool-aid do you drink?.

  2. It makes no difference since you do not qualify. There is a clause in your oath about "mental reservations". I supported Pres Clinton as faithfully as I did Bush 41, and Reagan. if you feel that strongly about Pres Bush 43 as it sounds you will likely be unable to serve.  

  3. You don't sign up as a platoon leader in the marines. THEY decide who the platoon leaders will be.And if you can't make a decision on your own, you'll never, never, never make a platoon leader.

  4. i'd make sure obama gets elected before i join the service. although after obama's term is up there is a chance another warmonger will be elected into office.  

  5. You don't sign up "as a platoon leaders for the marines".

    The current President has very little time left in office. Signing up now would make no difference.

    However, if you are afraid to 'sign up' because of one person, then you should never even consider military service.

    "should i wait till bush is out of the white house before signing up as a platoon leaders for the marines?" No, you should not wait. YOU should never serve. Leave that to the brave people.

  6. No.  Resign immediately because you don't have what it takes to be a warrior.

  7. The Marines want men to lead other men, someone that will say "Follow Me!"

    Not someone that wants to hide until its safe to come out.

  8. if your afraid to join now because your afraid bush is going to send you into battle then your going to join for the wrong reason eventually. You need to have it set in your mind that you are doing this for yourself and your country, not just to make yourself look like a hero for your friends. And also you will not just sign up as a platoon leader, you have to earn that and work your way toward. Search inside yourself to be sure your joining for the right reason. If your afraid to join because you dont want to go to iraq then just stay out, sorry to sound like an *** but im just trying to help out our other boys already there.  

  9. What a dumb question.  Dont discrace the Corps by joining up you hippy, and as an officer it is not your job to judge the higher up's decisions, you have to do whatever the h**l they tell you to do.  Becoming a platoon leader is not as easy as 'signing up' it takes a lot of hard work and commitment and is a competetive mos

  10. If you think one 'signs up' as a platoon leader in the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, you've got a LOT to learn.  One other thing, ALWAYS use a capital M in Marines!

    And if you're afraid of having to go to war, do NOT join the UNITED STATES MARINE CORP....join the PEACE CORPS.

    (USN, retired)

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