
Should i wait to get guinea pigs until after i go on vacation or would they be ok?

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im going on vacation in 19 days and staying for 3 or 4 days.but i dont want somebody else to get that certain guinea pigs.that i want !ohhhh please help!!!!




  1. Wait until after your vacation.

  2. You should wait until after vacation as the guinea pigs will be scared and will need to get used to you and their new home.  If you really want these guinea pigs ask your pet shop to keep them for you until you come back.

  3. I would wait enless you have someone who ca take care of them. if you just fil their food bowl and water high the more there is the more they wil eat piggies!

  4. You should definetley wait. No doubt because who else would take care of them? They cant go 4 days without clean food or water. I went on vacation before getting my guinea pig at  pet store and when i came back she was stil there and is living me me today.

  5. I would wait,because that's torture to get an animal and not spend ANY time with it. Go to the pet store plead your case and a good pet store will reserve them for you.If they wont reserve,chances are they aren't a good store.

  6. Yeah your gonna wanna wait to get those guinea pigs they need to be fully submerged in their surrondings the first couple days so they are comfortable and not irratable, so wait till you get back so they are used to your pressence coming back after an extended period ill throw them out of whack the first couple months you have them.

  7. Who's going to look after them?

    You can't just leave them for 4 days

  8. Yes this is a common question. You could ask them to put that certain pig on reserve and chill out on vaction and come back and see your pig or You could buy it and have someone eles take care of it, but be sure you never just stalk his food bowl high up and his water full and leave cuz guinea pigs are pigs they eat and drink so fast!


    -skateboarder girl

  9. As much as you might want those specific piggies, it is better for both of you if you wait until after you get back.The first week or so is their adjustment time, and you need to be around for that.  :(

  10. I would say wait 2, because the first couple days I got my pig, he needed a little bit more  attention because of his new surrondings.... You also have to fill up its water bottle like every 5-6 hours (because they drink alot of water)....

    *hope this helps*!

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