
Should i wait until my gerbil gives birth again before seperating the first litter?

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I have a gerbil that gave birth a few weeks ago. the pups seem old enough to leave the mother(by that I mean they don't milk from her), but I am not sure if i should wait until the next litter arrives to seperate them. My thanks to anyone who can help me out here.




  1. Why in God's name is the poor female pregnant again already? She's not a baby machine, she's a living thing.

    Separate the genders and keep them all separated. Males go with males, females go with females. Gerbils are social and should be kept in SAME s*x pairs. Please, for the love of god, stop breeding.

  2. you should seperate them couple of days before she gives birth again so that she can get redy for the next little hope this helps

  3. Hi, I am a gerbil breeder, I think I can clear some things up here, first of all, how old is a few weeks? it is on or around 5 weeks that they can be seperated from mom safely (not 6), you will however NEED to seperate the dad gerbil from the mom gerbil BEFORE she has the next litter, or you will be doing this again... Go ahead and try and decipher the gender of the pups, girls have nipples, boys dont. There is a great gerbil care handbook available free on that I recomend you read, and look at the pictures to help you decide the boys from gils pups, you definately dont want them breeding. You may keep one or two female daughters in the cage with Mom to help raise the next litter.

  4. it has to be exactly 6 weeks before seperate them

    so yes wait till the next litter is born but don't give them away at the same time

  5. If they are eating then separate them. But be careful, do not overly breed  your gerbil.  It is hard on their bodies and spirits.  And separate the males from the females because they can breed really quickly, and likely be extremely sick and interbred.  I don't think you should be breeding at all though.  If you don't know exactly what you are doing, then you shouldn't be doing it.

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