
Should i was my upper lip myself??

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should i was my upper lip myself??

okaay like ive had a few wax on my upper lip.

and i think its pointless to pay 15 bucks for a professional

and plus the ride to the salon

so i was wondering if its a goood idea

if i wax it myselff

its cheaper. and yeah




  1. thats gross it grows back thicker

  2. Yes you can wax it and it's easy.

  3. where i live its only 8 bucks.

  4. yeah, it's fine.  They use the same stuff, plus it is probably less embarrassing.

  5. you could wax it yourself, yeah sure why not? but i wouldn't want to go through buying the kits, and reading the instructions, blah blah blah.

  6. Yes, you can wax your upper lip yourself..Yes, it is cheaper. It's pulling the wax off of the lip that frightens me by myself.  

  7. they sell cream hair removal stuff that might be a better option. And it seems like if you have no allergy problems it would keep you from having a red lip for a long time like after waxing.  Plus they may help keep hair from growing back as fast.

  8. yeah you can but its hard because when you do it yourself some of the hair does not come out which then the skin gets irrated form trying to much i preher going to the salon but desparte times call for desape measures. i know what you mean so i guess just do it yourself or you can dye..?

  9. if you want.  i mean, what could happen?  er... just don't get it on your actual lip that could hurt.

    you could also used depilatory cream.  i don't mean nair or anything for your legs.  since your face's skin is sensitive you have to get the special kind..  avon has some.. i've seen some from Sally Hansen and one called Surgicream.  hmm maybe i should do it...

    p.s. "should i was my upper lip" lol your typo confused me i was like... uhhh what?

  10. yeah why noot, i get mine done for 4dollars. lol

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