
Should i wear a Scrum Cap?

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I play second row and was wondering if I should wear a scrum hat.





  1. at first, i was like, i don't want to wear a scrum cap, i'll look wimpy, then in the match i took some hits that i doubt i could've taken without passing out. but my scrum cap saved me, i love my scrum cap, seriously, i do

  2. I play second row.. number 5 lock. and there is no way ill wear a scrum cap, its for wussies.

  3. yes only the second rowers should be aloud to wear them... if u play anywear else no way they look g*y!

  4. If anyone on the field has the right to wear a scrum cap it is a 2nd Row.  Having played Flanker and 2nd Row for many years, the only time I wear a scrum cap is when I have to play 2nd Row for a full game.  

    At lower levels it probably isn't a big deal, but if you are gonna play with a high level team you should probably invest in one

  5. Well it really depends.  Do you want cauliflower ears?

    If you dont then I suggest you where one.

  6. No way.  Cauliflower ears are awesome.

  7. The easy answer is yes wear one. If you where a seasoned player who can handle all the rough and tumble of the game you wouldn't have asked. Some choose to wear one others choose not to. Look at the Springboks: Victor Matfield wears a cap Bakies Botha doesn't, The Sharks: Johann Muller wears one AJ Venter doesn't so its up to you. If you're a beginner or you are worried about getting knocked out wear one.


  9. No

  10. It's a personal preference, but I'd suggest that you do wear one.

    I'd say the most important positions to wear scrum caps are

    1. Locks

    2. Tighthead prop and Hooker

    The main reason for them is to reduce discomfort and your chances of getting cauliflower ear. So if your ears bother you, go ahead and wear one.

    If your ears don't bother you, your scrum probably isn't tight enough.

  11. Seeing as your 2nd row, you have the right to wear a scrum-cap!

    Danny Cipriani wears one, and he's number 10? What a poof! The English have a go at Gavin Henson for being a ponse, but wearing a scrum-cap when you play outside-half is pathetic.

  12. Mate

    It truly is personal preference, they ultimately perform two jobs, they obviously reduce colliflour ears as it stops them rubbing against the front row's hips hence taking friction of your ears, however to be honest just taping them up will do, it is what my clubs second rows do.

    The other thing is to lesson the impact on the head when you get kneed in the head in a ruck or similar situation, i wear one after once being concussed and i play scrum half or wing.

    So to be honest it is personal preference some say they are uncomfortable and get too hot but i wear one and i would recomend one but it is by no means nescasery.


  13. Why do you play rugby if you dont even know that

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