
Should i work the night before my wedding

by Guest58733  |  earlier

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I have to put my avialibility in for work for the next 4 months we are only allowed to miss a shift twice or the shift is taken away. Im a full time uni student and i work part time 3 times a week. I would like to keep my shifts (monday, friday & saturday) Because this works great around my uni timetable the problem is work knows i need that saturday off for the wedding and they are cool about it but there not happy about the friday. Am i going to be to busy to work it? Should i just drop that shift?




  1. no way drop the shift they will understand

  2. Depends how late the shift is but as a swim instructor i doubt you would be getting home late. The day/night before the wedding is to relax and take your mind of everything, if going to work will help keep your mind from worrying about things going wrong etc, then i would go to work. Nothing wrong with that. You could still have your bridesmaids, mum and matron or honour meet you for dinner/drinks after and everyone is happy...

  3. Well will the shift add to your stress or will it relax you and take your mind off your nerves?  If it is just one class or something, a couple of hours, it might be nice.  but of course I have never taught swimming so I don't know.  If it takes up more than an hour or two, or stresses you more, or keeps you away from something you need to take care of , then don't.  If you can get out of it without hard feelings now I would.  You don't want to have to cancel at the last minute.  

  4. I think you should drop it.  You're going to want t relax the night before your wedding, and go to bed early, and chill with the girls.  Your wedding day is probably going to be very emotional, and you'll be very busy, you'll need to be fully rested!

    I don't understand why they would take it away permanently though, or why they aren't happy about you wanting the night off before your wedding, it sounds like you have an unreasonable employer.

  5. Please don't work that night.  Day before wedding can be very stressful, lots of last-minute details.  If you have guests coming from out of town, you'll want to spend time with them as well.

  6. sounds like not the employer for you - i'd move on, there are plenty of other "good" jobs out there

    to answer the first part - yes, if you need the money

  7. wtf? NO, you should NOT work the night before your wedding!! explain the situation to your boss, and either bear the consequences or quit.

  8. I would take that day off if possible.  You may not be too busy, (probobly will though) but it would put too much stress on you

  9. Try talking to your boss.

    It's a special occasion and is a once off.

    you should have the night off

  10. sounds like you should find another job

    it's you wedding so go for it

    all the best on your wedding day  

  11. Generally the night before the wedding is spent having the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner.  I was WAY too busy the day before my wedding to even THINK about being able to work.  If I were you, I would tell them that you are getting married on Saturday and there is no way you can work Friday night.

    If your boss wouldn't even let you have time off when you had meningitis (which is very contagious) until you ended up in the hospital, I would really rethink working for him.  I don't care what the job is, there is nothing worth risking your health.

  12. isn't there anyone you work with that's nice enough to cover your shift for you?

    Your boss should appreciate your efforts in finding someone to cover your shift at least!

    Working the night before your wedding would be a major downer!

  13. Sounds like you are in schooling prob college age 18-30 meaning your job isn't a real job its a dime a dozen meaning if they don't like it you can find a new one.  Talk it over with your boss.  Tell them you can work another day to make it up... Before your wedding! well that isn't really smart you should keep it low potential of getting hurt... so nothing goes wrong... If you have to lie tell them something went wrong this morning with the dicore you have to go and help. Or maybe your dress or something.

    good lucky :)

  14. You should talk to your boss. They should work with you on missing one shift for your wedding. Just don't take any other Friday nights off.

    I've never had a boss that was such a tyrant that they wouldn't make this kind of exception. Well, ok, twice I did. But as soon as I found out I got a different job and told them they were heartless jerks for the way they treated their employees.

    Otherwise, you'll just have to work the shift. Personally, though, I would get really bitter about that and just go find a new job.

  15. NO!  You will have last minute things to do and packing, don't do it!  Your boss shouldn't harp on you about this.  We are already having timing problems with my sisters wedding and it is three weeks away.  That day is usually reserved for the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and greeting out of town guests.  Our bridesmaids are also doing a spa day before the rehearsal at the church so the advice of many woman stated here saying to relax is a good one!  

  16. If it was not too important, I would drop it. But, if you think losing the shift will hurt your grades, you should keep the shift and schedule time accordingly to make sure everything is in order for the wedding.

  17. Personally, the night before I want to do NOTHING but sit with my girlfriends and watch all the movies about weddings I can and just try to sleep and relax and kill my nerves.

    But if you really need this shift and there is no way to get it back then go ahead and keep it if you think you can handle it.  

  18. find a new job or go higher on the chain of command...seriously getting picky about your wedding???  what about the rehearsal dinner, meeting with family, beauty sleep, last minute preparations, packing..all that stuff that you worry about the night before and they want you to work.   WOW.  Don't if you can, by any means get it the heck off.  good luck.

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