
Should i worry about the xbox 720 ?

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i originally was saving money for the 360 until i heard about the 720.I just don't want it to have a short lifespan




  1. dont buy it buy a ps3

  2. Heck no! don't worry for another 5-6 years, get a 360 its worth it definitly.

  3. 720 isn't gonna come out in 4-5 years.

    It's better if you buy the 360 now.

  4. Currently, most analysts and even dept. heads at Microsoft have stated the Xbox 720 will come out in late 2011 (November), or March 2012.

    That will give you sufficient time to game on your Xbox 360. Also, you should note that Microsoft is going to continue to push games on the Xbox 360 for quite some time after 2012 - The Xbox 360 is selling far better than the Xbox, and will have more support late in it's lifespan. The Playstation 2 continues to get strong developer support, because the system has sold, and continues to, sell well....2 years after it's successor launched.  

  5. dude u wont hear no news about no new ps or xbox untill 2012 aleast microsoft made a 7-10 year plan for it and sony made a 10 year plan with there ps3

  6. It is a great console.

    The projected timeline for the 720 is Late 2011 to Mid 2012.

    4 years is a long time. 360's are pretty cheap now considering.

    A 720 will probably be like 700 dollars when it comes out.

    Will you be able to afford it then? Probably have to wait another year!

    I say you should buy it buddy

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