
Should immigrants be allowed in the United States?

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not just illegal, but any immigrants. where do you stand and why??




  1. if all laws are follwed, yes.

    add the word "illegal" to the term and that is where most of U.S. citizens get irrate.  my family cane here legally, in 1910s and way back in 1600's.  i can honestly say any law breakers back then where dealt with sverely.

  2. Yes they should. Everyone other then Native Americans are immigrants from one point or another. I do think it should be harder to get in though; and if you can't provide for yourself when you get there you don't go on any type of public assistance - you go back wherever you came from. I also think illegal immigrants should be sent right back. There should be tougher laws regarding immigrations for sure.

  3. Where I stand is that your parents, and/or grandparents are immigrants and so if they weren't allowed in you wouldn't be here either

  4. This country was discovered by immigrants and is what it is because of immigrants ! Illegals NO! There needs to be a certain number placed on who enters and who is worthy of giving to this country in many ways not come and go on welfare. So they should be selected I find this fair. Remember" Weight of Numbers". We don't want to become another China with so many people and no food!

  5. yes, my personal opinion- i do. without immigrants, eventually the US would fall.  we couldn't found out, exciting interesting things, and stories they have to bring. we all are decents from an immigrant. there's no real problem in my opnion of them.

    that is the legal ones of course, i want the illegals deported

  6. Yes legal immigrants. These are people who take the time,money and trouble to come here. It is not a matter of allowing an illegal. They come in violation of the law as it is.  We need to enforce the laws and not just against the illegals. The people who employ them should face the penalties also.

  7. Legally immigration yes, running across a desert border illegally and then protesting for rights in a country they are not even citizens of and

    also making claims they pay taxes or pay their own way is a bull output excuse to break this countries laws with out impugned

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