
Should immigrants from other countries be able to work and study here?

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Immigrants that doesn't know English but are willing to work hard and get the hardest jobs. What about the teens that come to study? Should they have an opportunity to study with the regular Americans in public schools and be in ESL (English as a Second Language) programs to learn English?




  1. I think our Government should really start paying attention to those Americans who could use the help towards college education, rather than giving away college scholarships to foreigners!!!!

  2. yes they should

    but only after

    1. we know who they are

    2. where they are from

    3. and we must make sure they leave when their temporary visa expires

  3. Schools are built according to city growth and population. If we have a sudden surge in growth (which is happening now) we do not have enough schools and teachers. The results is under educated teachers and large classrooms. We also have several thousands students who miss class time to attend English Language classes. Then on top of that you have people who come over with student visas which results in even larger classes. I don't believe a migrant worker needs to bring his wife and children with him when he comes to the US to do seasonal work. Why can't they stay at home and go to school.

  4. If you have Work permit or Work visa, you can work.

    If you have Student Visa, you can study.

    If you have Permanent Resident Card (green card), you can either work or study or both.  

  5. Immigrants should be able to come here to work and/ or to study but they should come here legally and they should learn the language.  There is a big problem in regards to health care though and that should be addressed as ER visits occur and who do you think foots that bill when someone is uninsured?  I do believe that if there is a certain amt of illegal activity they should be sent back to their homeland.    

  6. Immigrants that doesn't know English but are willing to work hard and get the hardest jobs. What about the teens that come to study? Should they have an opportunity to study with the regular Americans in public schools and be in ESL (English as a Second Language) programs to learn English?


    They don't take the hardest jobs.  But if they are legal, they can and do exactly as you described.  

    But legal aliens already have English and it is not a requirement.  The ESL programs are very, very expensive and the welfare paid to the illegal aliens is very, very high.  Mexico refuses to support the illegal aliens in this country, and so if you can do something there, perhaps you could be accommodated.

    But folks, lets be clear: it costs about 1/5 to 1/10th as much to educate those folks in Mexico as here.  We would actually be better off if WE paid their educational fees in Mexico and they would not have to learn English.

  7. Growing up in America, I had believed foreign people wanted to come to America to become part of the superior form of government and the liberties, happiness and prosperity that it has allowed.  But now I can see that some come with hate in their hearts and subversion as their goal. For them I say give them nothing and deport them without delay... if they return do as they do in Mexico and imprison the arrogant, aggressive scum.  

    For those who genuinely love American and will openly and legally renounce allegiance to their former country... and take on the name ...American... and all that is of this beautiful nation... go through the legal process, become educated in our government, capitalists economy, melting-pot culture and English language... we will welcome you with open arms.

    We are made up of Polish, English, French, German, Mexican, Jamaican, African, Irish, Italian.... you name it and we have melted into one America from cultures and races from all over the world. We have given our blood sweat and tears to drive out racial, ethnic, religious and social hatred.  We started with high ideals that have stood as a beacon to the entire world... and yet as we grew, we had to overcome the common and universal evils that have plagued all of humanity. Now there are those Americans who wish to destroy our progress…. they wish to impose a socialists-collectivists tyranny over our freedoms. These fools have allowed a treasonous invasion by people who do not understand our form of government, social system and economy… they rightly believe these new people will help their cause, to destroy the heart of America and supplant it with their central ruling oligarchy of the socialist pseudo-intellectual elite

    History shows that a period of acculturation, or assimilation into the general fabric of our nation must follow a large influx of new immigrants… thereby to help them become good Americans.  This happened after the great alien inundations of our past and work out wonderfully.  The Chezc, Englishman, Irishman, Porto Rican holds affection for the land of his ancestry but finds his allegiance with his America and is now American.

    So if you love America and embrace all that it is to be an American, and are here legally… then Yes.  We welcome you and will help you learn the common language of our land, teach you skills to make a good living, study the great principles that are in our social beliefs,  laws and constitution and the amazing history of the greatest country on earth! America is filled with good immigrants and the offspring of marvelous immigrants…. our success and beauty is we all become Americans.

  8. don't sweat it if obama is elected we will all have to learn spanish

  9. Those LEGAL immigrants should have the right to work and study, as this is what is LEGAL immigration.

    ILLEGAL immigrants should hot be able to work or study.  

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