
Should immigrants to the US have to learn English before becoming US citizens?

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Or should the US Govt. and US businesses just accommodate them by using multiple languages (which they are basically already doing) which will eventually wipe out the English language since the US is and always has been a nation made up of immigrants?




  1. Yes they should have to learn English. But then again when we whites are the minority then we can claim benefits and sue for equal rights.  

  2. Yes, it should be required for Citizenship.  In fact it is already a requirement that most people applying for citizenship be able to speak and read everyday English.

    There are 3 exceptions to this:

    People who have legally resided in the US for at least 15 years and are older than 55.  

    People who have legally resided in the US for at least 20 years and are older than 50.  

    People with a verifiable medical condition which impairs their ability to learn English.

  3. Yes they should have to learn the national language to be considered citizens, though only a certain passable level should be mandatory and special accomadations should exist for those with learning dissabilities.  

  4. Yes, it makes it easier for everyone. Not being racist but they came here looking for opportunity, so they should learn the official language because then its easier for them to get those opportunities. Plus if they speak both languages they have a better chance of being hired.

  5. Imagie how much all the people using foreign languages contribute to our economy from line level workers all the way to corporate executives. Open your mind

  6. YES YES YES, as it will *help* crack down on illegal immigration.

    Also, I think it's terribly rude to enter a country where you can't communicate with the people in it.

  7. All naturalized citizens that I have known have been required to take the test in English. I have never known one that did not take it in English.




  9. No, they should just have respect for the country they're becoming citizens of.

    A lot of the people answering this question don't have that good of grammar themselves.

  10. English has survived since the dawn of the US, even though the forefathers attempted to make Hebrew the national language. I do not think anything has changed. I think it is better that our government is able to speak with all of its citizens in the tongues that they are most comfortable with.

    Where do you get that this will wipe out English if it hasn't already? In the midwest there were more Swedish/Finnish speakers than English speakers for a long time. In my part of Texas the schools were in German until the early 1900s. English won over still.  

  11. if you are going to come here, then you ought to know effing english, and not try and turn Spanish into our top language.

    and there ARE NO SUCH THING AS IMMIGRANT RIGHTS. that is bs. TOTAL BBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSS. you have to be a CITEZEN to have rights, and i bet that they are just trying to have babies here so that there will be a mexican president and there will be a LOT of them here and they will all vote for him/her and then they will allow mexicans in here and/or turn it all communist sonse a lot of them will be on their side.

  12. Aside from your severe question begging, why don't you take note of the very real fact that most countries operate very well with multiple languages spoken & used.

    We do well being inclusive.  

  13. im fully for letting mexicans into america, but i belive they should have the following things:

    be able to pass a citizenship test

    speak full english

    so yea

    people that say "they just come here and take all the jobs!"

    people need to get over it, they dont work legally anyways ugh -.-

  14. I have worked retail for over 7 years. I feel that immigrants should have to learn the English language and American customs. I think they should learn both before they go into society and apply for their green card. I am not a raciest person. I know that people live in horrible environments from other countries. I don't blame them for wanting to come to the United States to better their lives. They should be able to come over here. We would do the same if we were in their shoes. I've talked with several people that are from different countries. They have told me that you have to learn their language and customs if you want to stay (and in some cases visit) their country. I don't think it is fair for our tax dollars to have to pay for food stamps, housing, interpreters, and job programs for the immigrants. There is too many people in our country starving and needs help. I am the granddaughter of an Irish immigrant. My grandmother and her family had none of these things. They learned English and worked in society. My grandmother married a man mixed with a Cherokee Indian and White.  

  15. They should have to learn English and Spanish, of course. People should always be able to communicate with most of the people in their country.

    But, if they are moderately fluent in one of those languages, a basic level of fluency in the other should suffice. We would not want to insist on a level of fluency that a native child entering high school could not pass the test.  

  16. We are all subject to immigrants it's stinks.In Aus they have to pass english test and a crappy test is a load of garbage because they will just go home and yap in the lingo they know best.

  17. Not until the US makes English their official language. I hope they hurry up before our language eventually dissolved into spanish.

  18. they already speak a little english, enough to survive in america lol. They'll eventually learn it all, just give 'us' a chance.


  19. Part of the test to become a U.S. citizen consists of them learning about 100 facts of the U.S. that the average citizen doesn't know and they have to write down a sentence that the test giver gives them (and they say it in english).  

    But no, this country has no official language.  Unfortunately, in order for 'progress' one does have to learn english.  But it shouldn't be a requirement because you know everyone defines their own success and it is possible to do it without learning English.

    And nothing will wipe out the English language since it is one of the primary languages being taught in foreign countries.  

  20. yes and they should learn to speak it and understand it well enough to have a conversation. I had a doctor here ..don't know where she was from but her English was horrible. she couldn't communicate with patients. a nurse had to tell the patients what she said ..back and forth. patients entrusted their life to a lady that they couldn't even communicate with. I can't you how many times I have had to call businesses about an account being messed up and I get someone who barely speaks English and an hour later and I am still trying to explain to them what my problem is or I am still trying to understand what they are saying. I don't expect them to know perfect English. but If went to their country they would expect me to know enough of their language to carry on a conversation. and its only right that they do the same. We accomodate them in every other aspect. it's frustrating to order a hamburger and the order is messed up because they can't even understand what you say.

  21. hello, well i enter in the united sates in 2001 i didn't know english, but 2 years later i was a perfect english speaker person, and in my opinion i don't think that its like fully necessary because we can learn to talk later as years go bye,  

  22. They already do.

    The oral part of the citizenship exam is in English. Plus, you have to writing in English, too. This requirement is only waved if the applicant is 65 years old or older.

  23. Yes but it sure doesn't help matters when you're on the phone-

    Press 1 for English and if you don't, you hear Spanish, right?

    Maybe if they quit doing that, the Spanish would learn English.

    The ones that don't bother to learn, that is.

    I'm older and I am not learning a new language, thanks.

  24. yea.They have to.

  25. Yeah, they should be able to speak it and speak it well before even coming to this country.  They also better have a job and be paying for their own things like their housing, transportation and food before becoming citizens.  The people born in this country who have a job and pay taxes shouldn't be paying that for them.  Our tax dollars can be spent in better places than that.  

  26. Not a bad idea. They should at least demonstrate an interest, just as we should demonstrate an interest in learning about other people's cultures and languages.

  27. well english is a language that is used all over the world. i do not believe that the english language will be wiped out of the united states. schools teach the language and if there was a variety of languages being used, it would be pretty hard to teach kids that don't know the same language

  28. I think if they are coming here then they should have to learn to speak english eventually. Because if i moved to Spain or Mexico i would expect my self to learn their language in little time maybe in about 3 month or so

  29. Just to let everyone know - America has no 'official' language.  English may be the dominant language, but it's not official.  Heck, Mexico has no official language either.  Canada, therefore has two,  to make up for it.  

  30. Personally I believe they should learn English before coming into our country.  It is very costly from a business stand point to hire bilingual people (they tend to have higher incomes, rightly so but costly to businesses) or people may have to hire a a interpreter for various reasons (costly).  Also education dollars are being spent on children in ESL programs that could be used towards more effective programs.  I don't think the English language will be wiped out but I believe we will be expected to be bilingual in the future.  I also believe that if someone takes the time to learn a language ( I know it can be hard) they are more likely to stay around and try to become citizens. Either way being bilingual is something that we should consider becoming no matter what your opinion might be.  

  31. I am to assume you meant "the language of American". I'm English myself and I found it fiendishly annoying when Americans tell me to speak "English" when they don't understand me.

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