
Should individuals have the right to take their own life?

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You see some people being forced to suffer out their lives; stuck in mental hospitals or just plain restrained by someone when they are so sure that they just don't want anything to do with life anymore. It can't honestly be okay to just make them suffer by not letting them commit suicide. But it's also difficult to just let someone kill themself. So I can't really decide. So far I'm leaning a bit more towards that we should have the right, but maybe there is something I am overlooking. Any input?




  1. I believe people should have the right to take their own life if they are absolutely sure of it. Switch the question around to you. If you had a heart attack or something and was confined to your bed the rest of your life, just wasting away cuz' your family are too selfish to let go, would you WANT to stay in that bed? I would ask to be killed.

    If you were stuck in a mental hospital, condemned "retarded", "insane", "inhumane", or even "dangerous" would you want to live? Some are stuck with their arms binded to their sides, in a padded white room, with no windows or any chance to look outside again. Some look out in to the distance while like that, hiding from reality. Why? Because reality is cruel. They've ran out of tears. Why would reality not be cruel to them? They lost their life, their family who most likely just forget they're there, their home...h**l, they lost their freedom to see the sun! To feel the wind on their skin! The night air in their lungs! I don't care what people say...They. Could. Not. Live. Through. That.

    People cry about how torture is inhumane and wrong. Isn't what I just described just as wrong?

  2. One of our fundamental rights is the pursuit of happiness. If one would be happier not living anymore, why should anyone else take that right?

  3. Everyone has the right to do what they want with their lives...   even end it.

  4. With the US being a free country and all I think people should have the right to make that choice. Especially with a legitimate reason such as terminal illness or a life of excruciating pain. Then again, if you do it right your dead and can't be prosecuted.

  5. if they are mentally 'sound' to make that decision i don't see why not. but then again i don't see why someone shouldn't stop them, by ending their life - they will also be hurting their loved ones and their close friends. which to be fair, could cause a drastic downwards spiral. unlikely but entirely possible.

    euthanasia is if you know, legal in switzerland. people could [if possible] move over there and [I'm not sure how it works] go to court and ask for it.

    pretty interesting debate really

  6. They do have the right.  You can't prosecute someone who is not alive...

    My opinion:  if someone is terminally ill/suffering/in terrible pain, who is the law to judge their choices--they need to put themselves in the other person's shoes--empathy anyone?

  7. On one hand it's their life and they should be able to choose whether or not they want to live, but on the other hand things turn around, time is both an enemy and an ally (learned that from my dad.. lol)..

    I Don't think hospitals should let people decide because miracles happen, cheesy but true, and sometimes when people are under stress they don't think straight..

    Also thier family should have a say in their desicion..

  8. Much too large and difficult a question to answer in this forum.


  9. NO !!!!!

    anyone who kills themselve should get the death penalty !!!!

  10. People should be able to take their own lives, but given the point in their life in which they decide to do it, they aren't really of sound mind and body, so it's kinda a catch 22, in my opinion.

  11. Individuals have the ability to take their own lives but most of the time when they even have the notion to do this they are in an impeded state of mind. Thusly, they do not have the right to make decisions for themselves.  

  12. What if they would regret it later? Oh well, that's a bad point. I won't even consider the issue, as it's nothing that's ever going to happen.

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