
Should iran be stopped from going nuclear?

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Should iran be stopped from going nuclear?




  1. WHY should stopped ?

    WHO could stop ?

    HOW would Stopped ?


  3. no

    we have it and we say we use it for good. Russia will help them they are friends and North Korea. if george bush would have thought be for we did this we would not be in this fine mess we are today

  4. yes  

  5. Yes!

  6. It would be nice, but the biggest question is how, without starting WW3. Iran has been a problem for a long time not only to the west but to it's neighbors.  

  7. DuHHHHH

  8. Yes.

    Will they?  Doubtful.  And with nuclear capability in the hands of a maniac, I bet we can all guess what is going to happen!

  9. It is in the interest of any nation who is directly being threatened by Iran to do whatever they want in response to those threats.

    If you say my nation should be obliterated, I have the right to respond in self defense- nuclear or otherwise.

    If Iran showed no signs of aggression to their neighbors or the region, then I would say "no."

    BTW, they are not a threat to the United States.  But, Israel (or any other neighboring Sunni nation) has every right to treat Iran as they see fit.

  10. No, of course not. Every country has its right to do it.  

  11. No.  I see the Washington propaganda mill is turning early this AM.

  12. It's a case of do as I say, not as I do. The UK had an amazing opportunity to be the first nuclear country to voluntarily disarm and start to make the world safer... but we didn't. Instead we're spending billions of pounds on an American run nuke programme! I completely disagree with Iran having nukes, it shouldn't be allowed to get them. but at the same time we should all disarm. what's the point in telling someone not to do something when you're already doing it yourself!?

  13. Yes. Saying they want to wipe Israel off the map is totally unacceptable and cannot be ignored.  

  14. Yes those guys are way too nutty to have nukes.

  15. What the h**l is wrong with you - is this what you do during free time?  

  16. no, because if we let them they will just start another world war. that's why i think we should vote in a republican. because if a democrat gets voted in he will pull all the troops out of iran and then they get bombs and they world war 3 starts.

  17. Of course, silly question.

  18. Iran is developing nuclear energy just like most other countries in the world. They are not developing nuclear weapons and there is plenty of proof to support that. So, no, nobody should have the right to tell them what to do in this matter.

  19. My friend

    Every country has the right to have nuclear program for their own safety. Why no one can dare to tell USA and UK to Stop making Nuclear? I think everybody should be equal if there is a better justice in the world. If they don't want nuclear then they should sign and agreee that noone should have/should make Nuclear include USA,UK,CHINA,PAKISTAN,INDIA ETC. They just wanna invent Iran as they did Iraq did they find any nuclear in Iraq? no they just wanted to invent so my friend today is world of invasion a new kind of democrat dictators.

  20. sooner than later somebody will get nuked!

  21. Good question!  A lot of people think that the Jews might attack Iran and blow up their reactor starting World War 3.  This would get the United States involved and probably Russia since they sell reactor parts to Iran.  Who knows!

  22. Yes. Yet another reason we should not be wasting time in Iraq. There are certainly countries that were more of an imminent threat. A nuclear Iran is a great example.  

  23. YES what do you think?

  24. a nation that says it wants to kill all Jews should not be going nuclear no, however it is ridiculous for western nations to start coming in and infringing on Iranian sovereignty, the best option is probably to limit the ammount for uranium that is entering Iran, and not ban other commodities such as food and western technology.

  25. Yes, and the sooner the better

  26. What's the problem with Iran? They will not be able to build good enough rockets to reach America for 20 years. And they will need another 20 years to build enough of bombs to threaten anybody. Until then they as maximum can threaten Israel, but they will not bomb it with nuclear weapons because too many arabs live there. And in 20 years everything in the world will change and the Iranian problem will be the least of all.  

  27. Yes and if they did  go nuclear there soon would be WW III

    this is what would happen

  28. Maybe if Israel didn't have Nukes then there would be no motifation in Iran to arm themselves with nukes.

  29. what makes it fine for superpowers to have nuclear energy and weapons but wrong for iran? get rid of their government. they already violate human rights. they brainwash children with micky mouse that jews pigs.

  30. lol yea... cos if that blows up... the whole nation is gone with all that petrol underground... hehe  

  31. yes they should, but i guess they have as much right as any other country. but I would say we need to stop them

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