
Should it be 'God help America' instead of 'God bless America'?

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  1. USA now beyond help so therefore best to bless!

  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! LOL

    = )

  3. at the moment its "god d**n america"

    there is apparently a day to celebrate it or something


  4. It should be "God will someone tell these delusional people to stop relying on the conditioned voices in their egotistical heads to 'help' them", or something along those lines.

  5. LOL! I had a good laugh when I read the question. It's so true, ya know.

    It's gotten to the point where we need to help ourselves first before having the luxury of throwing blessings around.

  6. No, I think we should go with what Rev. Wright said about it.

    I'd get reported for posting it though.


  7. I don't think America needs God's help any more than any other country.  We aren't doing too well these days.

  8. Thumbs up. Yes.

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