
Should it be OK for a person to have a couple of drinks before work as long as it doesn't get them drunk?

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I mean seriously if you are not a Dr., pilot , truck driver, or something dangerous why not. If you are flipping burgers or working in an office especially if your a telemarketer. I see no harm in it.It might help you do better. What do you think?.




  1. Drinking before work and drinking to get rid of a hangover are two indicators that you're an alcoholic.  It's good that you're not drinking anymore.

    Also, people who drink tend not to keep jobs, because employers don't trust them, and people who think that no one notices are wrong.

    I know a woman who showed up to work drunk, and the new boss, a former drinker, said, "This will be either your brightest job or your briefest."  She showed up drunk another day, and it was her briefest job, as she got fired.

  2. Not OK.  

  3. No idt its very safe.  Alcohol is a drug and it does have an affect on your body and mind after just one drink.  Say your flipping burgers at burger king and you come in after having a few drinks and you start bumping into things and people.  If your a telemarketer you are more apt to fall asleep. Alcohol never helps make you do anything better than you normally would except pick up ugly chicks or get into fights faster.  There are reasons employers do not want their employees drunk, and they are very good ones.  Now if you would have said high it would have been a whole different story ;)  LOL

  4. hmmm, well I suppose it depends what time you work.  Drinking at 7am seems a little alcoholic to me, but where I'm from, loads of people go out at lunchtime to the pub and have a few pints (me included).  On birthdays, we'd just take the afternoon off and stay in the pub!

    But then we worked in an office with very few visitors (most of our work was on-site, so if you were office bound for the day, then no problem).

    So I'd say it depends where you work and at what time.  If it's an evening shift and you have a couple of pints before you go in, then so long as you can do your job then that should be fine (I wouldn't sack someone for that if I was their boss).  Also, in the jobs you mention, then that could be OK - so long as they're not slurring on the phone or something!  

    Yes, it definitely depends on what you do for a living and also what time you start.  

  5. No, not a good idea, ever.

  6. People who have a couple of drinks before work got a problem. They are alcoholics. If they already need alcohol before they turn up at work.  they are addicted and they will not be able to do their job properly and someone can smell the alcohol on their breath... and if they use mouth spray.. they are accident prone, they burn themselves if they flip burgers.. Their reaction time is impaired, their judgment is impaired. They might fall asleep on the job or they might get offensive because they are drunk.. it is not at all acceptable to come to work drunk and the boss will know they have a drinking problem. If they need to drink before work, they also need to bring a bottle along and hide it somewhere and go to the washroom and secretly have another drink during their break time to get them through the day.. if they drive to work in their own car, they may kill others or themselves, and when they come home they probably say ''Hello'' to the lamppost because they are so tight''

  7. Apart from the fact that co workers could probably smell it on your breath, I dont think its a good idea. And in lots of workplaces it would get you the sack. Why drink at all? especially in the morning before work.. thats bad..  

  8. I am an advid drinker (I drink everyday) BUT, I have never had a drink before work. Using ANY substance before or during ANY job is illegal!!! If you get hurt, hurt anyone else or make a mistake is not covered under workmans comp. It might feel like the best thing to do, but it is the absolute WORST thing you could ever do. Drink if ya want to...but think about YOUR thoughts ...and would you want some people drinking on the job?

    **Again, I am an everyday drinker...

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