
Should it be against US law to build a city on land that is below sea level?

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Should it be against US law to build a city on land that is below sea level?




  1. Yea, that's it, more pointless unenforceable laws to continue to restrict our freedoms.

  2. Of course not, a large number of cities are build below sea level.   It is just a matter of building and maintaining a proper levy system which the USA has failed to do.

    As a side note only small portion of New Orleans are below sea level much of the city rests at about 5m above.  When you work out the average elevation New Orleans in in fact above sea level

  3. No, certain building codes and regulations need to be followed. Problem is in the 1700's when New Orleans was built, these were not not in place, nor were they an issue. I also don't think we have to worry about it all that much as there are no coastal areas left in which we can pop up a city, and I certainly to not think we will be taking down the ones already built.

  4. Certainly not...but it should be against the law for the government to subsidize any of it. Do so at your own risk.

  5. No, but what should be against the law are idiotic questions like this one.

  6. No... my reasons are where ever land is brought it's used for something.

    But  if for some reason or freak of nature a  disaster hit and that city is destroy and cost lives, homes etc. That's when people turn to the US laws wanting aid, relief and etc.

      So i would say, if your planning on living near water or on  do your homework first. Finding out what laws are out there to  protect you and your property.

  7. Ther should be no laws to prohibit it. But there SHOULD be laws to make sure the living area of the house should be ABOVE 500 year flood level or no assistance if flooded. History has shown levees are NEVER going to be foolproof and stand against all weather  

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