
Should it be against the law for people with yellow cracked heels to wear sandals?

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Should it be against the law for people with yellow cracked heels to wear sandals?




  1. no, you need to get beyond your beauty

    vanity is the ugliest trait a person can have

  2. No.

    What I say is. "Don't like it, don't look at it."

  3. EEWW.

    well i mean even though the acutal heels arent in view thast SO nastyy!

    i hate when people have such fixable flaws like that and they dont fix it!

    omg. how nasty.

  4. no, what else should they wear in the summer? but like it should be against the law for them not to mostorize.!

  5. Yes, aymen to that!

    Its called a file man

  6. Against the law would be a little ridiculous.  

    People should just have common sense not to do that as well as wearing sandals with socks!

    We can't go around making up stupid laws for everything.  We aren't a communist country for a reason.

  7. Absolutely!

  8. Ask Jeff Foxworthy! That's part of his comedy routine!

  9. Absolutely!!! I think that people should have through a licensing board to be able to wear sandals. I have a girlfriend who buys beautiful clothes and her feet look like she is growing corn flakes on her heels!!! It is horrible.

  10. i think so...especially when there is Kerasal on the market....stufff works great!!!

  11. Should it be against the law for people to ask pointless questions?

  12. It shouldnt go as far as being against the law. But i think maybe the sales person should not sell them the sandles if they have nasty looking feet like that.  

  13. um no but they should use moisturizer  

  14. HAHAH duhhh!

    seeing that burns my eyes out. i practically lose my vision from it.. its horrifying!

    lol jk

  15. no

  16. no it should not be sorry

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