
Should it be compulsory for all AFL players to take a drug test?

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Drugs are outta control in the AFL industry and we seriously could put more strict laws on drug tests. What do you think?




  1. No. Let them do what they like. They should not have their civil liberties invaded.

  2. Christmas day and I'm answering questions, great life huh. as far as i understand it, it is compulsory now, the afl have some of the strictest drug rules in all sports, players can be tested anywhere, i think on a whole it a relatively clean sport, we only hear about the odd one here and there.

    the eagles and hawks are a concern but haven't really heard any other clubs, that loser from Carlton a few back, name escapes me, but they should jump all over the players caught.

  3. Yes for sure, so we can get rid of the drug cheats, and i also think the AFL should name the playes

  4. Absolutely - not only AFL but all sports

  5. Daniel they should

  6. Yes it should be compulsory for every AFL player to take drug tests, because if you don't have compulsory drug tests players will start taking drugs. E.G. In America, Baseball they didn't have  compulsory drug tests and look what happened! around 130 players had admitted or were caught for using drugs and 39 of them played in the all-star team. Now they have compulsory drug tests. It seems some people an associations in this world never stop bad things happening until its already happened.

  7. Absolutely. Wish it was true in season and out here in America. But, the players unions are too powerful and there is no accurate test yet for HGH--human growth hormone. The union dictators (Benny Gale also) have too much power and very shifty lawyers.

  8. I think the players already test enough drugs.

  9. The Players Association say no - along with left-wing red-ragger civil libertarians. I believe it should be like other forms of employment where it is steadfast compulsory.

    They say it is compulsory now but it is really a bit of a Micky Mouse testing system. Ben Cousins was never caught out & no-one can convince me that he had a drug free 2006 year.

    The mining industry has strong unions - but also has strong drug testing pratices. The AFL should be the same as playing football now is a business & a form of employment. It should be written into all contracts (if not already so) & an indepenent body to be involved.

    Anyway, that's my rant.

  10. yep

  11. they should test all sports players that are public icons and the teams,we and our kids look-up or admire these guys+gals and it should be the sportsmanship of the games they play,its not just the the competitiveness.Its wrong to use the drugs,stress and pressure is not an excuse to take them.If everyone lent towards drugs when the going got tuff,we'd be a miserable lot.I enjoy most codes of sports and its ashame to think these people a harming themselves and their clubs and family's.I hope they can clean up their act.cheers :)

  12. It should be brought in for work as well, especially if you work with machinery, I wouldn't want to get injured by someone at work who was on drugs, not fair on me or my family.

  13. Yes and impose a no drugs policy, so players like Ben Cousins don't ruin this great game.

  14. yes it should

  15. Yes it should and your on Christmas day (your time is midnight December 25th).

    I don't know why in Melbourne it's Christmas if it's summer.

  16. I am pretty sure its compulsory already. When you time is up to be tested.... you have to get tested. Merry Christmas Dan.

  17. they already do. But, it'll never work properly until the tests are carried out by an independent body. Because at the moment any player(descent player) that is using, get told what day the drug tests are being done and conveniently miss training that day

  18. h**l yes..we need to make sure tht the players are geniune and we spent our time seeing good geniune game.....if not then allow everybody to use it...atleast we will know everybody can use them

  19. all sports should-i know if i got caught  id probally be put in jail-who the h**l are these people not just sports people that they can just cheat-steal -and murder and still walk down the street like nothing happened-ive watched sports for 40 yrs and im gettin really turned off by all this c**p-the only things that will stop these folks are huge and i mean huge fines or if us fans are smart quit going to there freekin games

  20. 10000000000000000000000% i agree  our kidslook up to these people

  21. 1000000%agree  with you ~

  22. No. If it was compulsory half the Magpies squad would be suspended.

  23. It's often been said that drug testing on a very regular basis is very costly.

    Maybe the AFL could set up their own pathology/urine/medicals.

    This way a player would have second thoughts about  the deadly  cocktail mixture of  drugs and sport.

    Shaken, not stirred. As James Bond would say.

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