
Should it be harder to get a divorce?

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Some people divorce with the frequency and detachment that most people break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Should we make it so that unless there is provable mental or physical cruelty, or adultery, that people made their bed, so they have to lie in it? Maybe that would make people be more careful getting married as well.




  1. I think getting a divorce is horribly difficult as it is.

    Why do divorces cost so much?

    They're worth it.

    Its almost impossible to prove verbal abuse. The abuser often treats the abusee like gold around others. It leaves no marks.

  2. And how would this help anything? Do you really think people would stay together if they couldn't get a legal divorce? All this would do would prevent future marriages from becoming legal the couples would still split. Plus how does one prove verbal abuse?

  3. maybe they should be made 2 attend a special group on marriage 4 about 6months  b4 and if they dont attend they cant get a license

  4. I agree with the stipulations Louisiana puts on couples who are divorcing.  They have to wait 9 months and have to go to counseling before they are even given a hearing date.  Society has made it way to easy to get out of marriages over the smallest of issues.  Marriage/family is a precious commodity these days and should be protected at all cost.  If couples love each other enough to marry, they should love each other enough to fight for each other.

  5. I think they should make getting married harder. That way people will have to think really long and hard about it. Instead of running to vegas in a drive Thur wedding ceremony with a Elvis impersonator and getting it annulled hours later.  

  6. I think they should make it harder to get married... and to have kids...  

  7. No.....But I would support mandatory counseling or a longer cooling off period when children are involved

  8. How bout make it harder to get married.  Look how cheap, quick and easy it is to get married.  I know lots of people who are together because they cant afford an attorney, but I don't know anyone who is putting off marriage because they can't afford the marriage license.  

  9. I agree and disagree - I think getting a divorce should be more than just signing some paper work - kind of like the movie What Happens in Vegas....where they're made to try and work it out. I believe there needs to be alot more supported offered for people having problems in the marriage - not just abuse etc but just general every day problems.

  10. I think divorce should be free but marriage should cost 25K so idiots like Britney Spears and Pam Anderson would think twice before marrying a guy before they are bored

  11. Solve it all..never get married.. If your town has a common law marriage..move out in time for it not to be considered and then move back in..marriage seems to be archaic these days. I mean what is the point?

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