
Should it be illegal for Catholics to have abortions?

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If this works to reduce number of abortions, we can phase in other Christian denominations.




  1. It is a matter of conscience, not legality. You can not make it illegal, in civil law for one  religious group that opposes it and then make it legal for somebody whose religion allows it or somebody with no religion. That would be the law getting involved in religion, which is not allowed under the Constitution.

    The legality of abortion is a civil law, a Supreme Court Judgment. If Rowe v. Wade were overturned, it could be illegal without state legislatures getting involved and making it legal.

    The simple fact in Catholism is, not only is abortion a sin (murder), but so is having s*x outside of marriage, which is how many of the pregnancies ended in abortion start. I doubt if there would be any modern laws to outlaw s*x between consenting (especially straight) adults.

    NOTE: The point I am making is you can not say, from a secular standpoint, or however you want to put it, that this group, for example Catholics, can not do something that is opposed to their religion and someone from a liberal Church or no church can because it is not against their religion. It is a matter of conscience. The government can not get involved in that.

    To put it another way. Some Jewish people and some Muslims do not eat pork. It is against their relgions. But should it be illegal for a store to sell a Jewish person or Muslim person ham?

    I know it's different, but you can not pass laws to make a person follow his religion. And that is what saying it would be  to make it illegal for a Catholic,  or any other group, specifically, to have an abortion. By the way, I am Pro-life and would like to see all abortions end. But I am not sure laws can do it. Changing peoples behavior, if possible, and attitudes would be better.

  2. I think abortion should be illegal. Period.  

  3. yes, and everybody else as well.

  4. <<Should it be illegal for Catholics to have abortions? If this works to reduce number of abortions, we can phase in other Christian denominations.>>

    Abortions should be illegal, no matter what.

    I don't think it's an accident that, both legally and morally, that's the only way it can happen.

    You can't ban abortions for one religious group - and not others. This is a Constitutional impossibility. Just as institutionalized abortions became a reality in one shot, so must they be taken out the same way.

  5. No, they should be able to have abortions just as any other woman should.

  6. That would be discrimination against other religions.

    Such oxymorons you pro-abortionists are!

  7. It should be illegal for anyone to have an abortion. How anyone who calls themselves a Christian, and has an abortion, simply isn't. The Word of God takes is above any "religion". We need to get over ourselves, it's not about us, it's All about Him. Life begins at fertilization(Jeremiah 1:5). God declares that He knew us BEFORE we were born. The biblical penalty for murdering an unborn child was death(Exodus 21:22-23). Today, it is an irrefutable fact that the fertilized egg is truly an entire human being. Nothing will be added to the first cell except nutrition and oxygen.  God fashions and knits us together in the womb.(Job 10:8-12; 31:15). Science was ignorant concerning embryonic development until recently. Yet many centuries ago, the Bible accurately described God making us an "intricate unity" in the womb.

  8. Anyone who has decided they need an abortion should be able to have one.

    Edit: Blondie: because she didn't know she was pregnant and abused drugs while the kid was developing, permanently and thoroughly wrecking its system. Or because her baby has harlequin ichthyosis, or has no brain, or any other terrible deformity that means it won't survive more than a few hours.

    Or because she physically can't carry a baby to term and was on birth control; it just failed. Or she's in a bad relationship and her boyfriend will throw her out if she has one. Or because she's a single mom who got two kids and can't afford to take time off work or raise another child. Or because she's a 47-year-old woman whose marriage and life won't take a baby. Or because she mentally cannot take a pregnancy and a baby and knows it.

    I worked in a nonprofit psychiatric clinic serving people in crisis situations. Some people already have problems and would not be able to handle a baby on top of those. (I'd like the woman in a bad relationship to get out, too, but it usually takes three tries for a woman to leave her abuser. Money is a reality. I have read too many stories of a woman and her child being abused to want a kid in that situation.)

    It's easy for you to imagine carrying a kid and giving it up for adoption because you have money (you can afford a computer!) support, family, health insurance, and can trust the system.

    In a way, nice as it would be if you got it, I hope you never have to understand.

  9. No this will resort to more ways for mothers to have unhealthy abortions and would kill both the mother and the daughter.

    You can never tell a woman what to do with her body.  

  10. It should be illegal for anyone to murder, don't you think?

    Go to youtube and do a search for The Silent Scream. You'll learn how babies are suctioned out of the womb, arms and legs torn off. You'll hear how the skull is crushed to fit it through the womb. You'll hear how fetus being torn to pieces during an abortion scream the silent scream of the unborn.

  11. Don't like abortion...DONT HAVE ONE

    seriously. Your beliefs should not control other peoples' lives

  12. It's already unlawful based on the religion, why bring legalities into it?

  13. Our society is neither secular nor is it a Democracy.

    Oh you mean the USA. Well same difference.

    Peace and Blessings,

    Imam Salim

  14. It should be illegal for anyone to have an abortion.

  15. I think abortions should be illegal for all woman.  Its murdering a baby.

    Ariel, just curious, why should a woman 'need' an abortion?

  16. ok, it is a sin so it is "illegal" for Christians already

    legally on another hand is difficult... can Christian rules be put into the legal system?  i believe government should not dictate on what parents decide to do

  17. Funny I thought we lived in a secular democracy that did not dictate laws according to theological interpretation.

    Abortions aren't "murder". It's legal.  Just saying it's murder, and making things up based on your religion, doesn't make it true. All that does is re-inforce your ignorance of law and biology and the general ignorance of the society you live in.

  18. It is already illegal for Catholics to have abortions, this is a life and we do not believe in taking a life

  19. Abortion should be mandatory for all Catholics at all times.

  20. why pick on catholics

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