
Should it be illegal to breed cats without a license?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone found with an un neutered cat who does not have a license to breed getting a large fine and the cat neutered.




  1. y would u breed cats anyway and it would be illegal

  2. Law prohibitions  do  not work well. Drugs are illegal, but still easy to get them. I think people should receive right education, i.e. how much homeless animals there are, that cats, who give birth naturally-- 2-3 times a year, do not live long, how suffer cats when they are in heat and so on. And of course, some programs on free/cheap fixing animals for those, who couldn't afford it.  

  3. No.  It should not be illegal and no licenses should be needed.  The government is in our private lives enough without this idea becoming law.  It would mean more government employees to issue licenses and enforce the rules and increased taxes to pay those people and build the offices they will work in.  Add office equipment and furniture, vehicles for the enforcement officers,  heating and cooling the offices.  Are you starting to see why taxes keep increasing?  We should be making government smaller,  not bigger.

  4. I think so.

    I do volunteer work at the local Humane Society, it's not no-kill(they will humanely euthanize aggressive animals after the 5-day hold that they can't, in good conscience, adopt out), but with cats there are just SO many cats breeding and since many people who have outdoor cats just assume their cat is dead when it doesn't return and therefore don't look for it that there are times in the year they HAVE to euthanize healthy adoptable cats. There's no solution for it other than we need cats to not be breeding so much, and many other shelters around the country fall into the same situation.

    I think it should be law that all cats be spayed/neutered unless it's owner has a license(that requires a fee greater than the cost of a spay/neuter), and it should be punishable by fines.

  5. Cats, no. People, yes.

  6. It would be far more effective to just make it illegal to sell un-vaccinated kittens. That would help to cut out a lot of back-yard-breeders.

    Kittens can be neutered by their breeders after the age of 8 weeks, although most breeders who get their kittens neutered do so at 14 weeks and sell the kittens at 16 weeks. Some do do it at 10 weeks in order to fit it in between the two vaccinations at 9 and 12 weeks.

    Most people who buy pedigree cats do tend to be very responsible about the care of their cats, but not all and there are some cases of people buying pedigree kittens without permission to breed from them, and breeding and selling unregistered kittens, essentially duping the public. If a legitimate breeder has an experience like this then they are far more likely to start getting early neutering for their kittens.

    Cat breeding is a hobby so it shouldn't be licensed. It costs enough as it is.

  7. if u make that illegal, u might as well make every one who has a dog or a hamster get licenses to breed. u cant just have one species limited. its either none or all of them

  8. if so then it should also be illegal to breed, horses, dogs and other animals without a "proper" license.  

  9. We tried dog licences in the UK. They cost 37.5pence, and nobody paid it, that's why it was abolished.

  10. Yes, it should.  Same with dogs.

    Most ferrets are automatically spayed/neutered by the breeder.  

    The problem is kittens would have to be held by the breeder until they are 4 months old (preferably 6 months old) before they can be spayed/neutered.  It will be a big change for our society.  No more cute little 2 week old kittens.  You have to wait until the kitten is half-grown to get it from the breeder.

    A lot of people wouldn't follow it anyway.  I'm thinking about the people that lets their cats run loose outside and breed babies all over the place.  Then they cry about how they are poor and can't afford to have their animals spayed/neutered, let alone pay the fines.

  11. That's not cool. Some people are just being kind enough to feed hungry strays. The cats don't always belong to anyone.

    Maybe the shelters could just neuter the cat & then return it to the area it came from or people who feed it.

    The shelters have to neuter & spay all their animals anyway before adopting them out. It works in their favor to fix then return the cats rather than having to maintain them until they uthanize.

  12. Yeah, I think it's a good idea.  Not a large fine though but enough to get the message across that breeding irresponsibly will not be tolerated.  There are enough ferrel cats out there not neutered or spayed, so there doesn't need to be any more.  A license is a small price to pay to insure cats aren't over bred, are healthy and well taken care of, this doesn't mean a breeder will comply but they will face hefty fines if they don't.  You can charge more for a pet from a licensed breeder as well.

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