
Should it be illegal to call at someones door uninvited for sales

by  |  earlier

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Say these driveway and roof people. They bang on the door as if it is urgent and could cause an old person to fall in the rush to get to the door




  1. I agree with the first two answers. There's really no need to answer the door at all, although I've had callers like this myself.

  2. I live in a community with signs posted telling solicitors to stay away basically.  Guess if they decide to continue doing so, they're breaking the law then.

  3. If I bother to answer at all then whatever they are trying to sell I say my husband/son/daughter is in that business.

  4. YES

    And it should be ILLEGAL to CALL to EMAIL or TEXT an unrequested sales call.

    SALES call requests are only valid for 60minutes after the request is issued.

  5. God yeah, it should.

    My 87 year old grandparents open the door at least once a week to a sales person, many of whom target the area because of the number of OAPs. Many of these people are very forceful in their sales technique, which pressurises weak and vonerable people into signing on the dotted line and buying stuff they don't want. They've told me about people pushing past them into the house, and then sitting there trying to get them to buy a new sofa, and staying there for up to two, three hours. It isn't right, and as long as there are people like this out there, who make people scared to open their front door, it should be illegal to call at someone's door uninvited. I know not all sales people are like that, but a few are. And at the end of the day, if their product was any good, they wouldn't have to sell on people's door steps.

  6. no, just say sorry im busy and close the door.

    its not hard is it

  7. Well I think people should put up no solicitors signs and then it should be breaking the law. I also think if people would STOP BUYING the services then the "calls" would stop.  

  8. just tell them to **** off and if they dont go away,shoot the b******s.

  9. i fully agree..and also church ppl..i hate that..and normally come when im busy or eating dinner..

  10. No,I love to see their faces when I open the door

  11. They soon clear off when my dog hits the door like a tornado, they think it's a great big thing that's going to attack them. They are usually gone by the time I open the door.

  12. it's called cold calling.

    i know it's illegal for people to sell you a service. but not sure if it stretches to sales people selling products. but haven't seen one in years! only one i did see was for a disabled children's charity.

    dont think it should be illigal for people with a good cause. but charitys and religious people can sometimes get quite annoying knocking on the door, asking to chew off your ear, or dip into your pocket.

  13. de trop - not wanted!

    Solution: sign board:


    That should be a deterrence!

  14. no

    don't rush to the door.  Either take your time or don't answer it.


  15. A Roman philosopher once said you can tell how corrupt a society is by how many laws are on its books.  Centuries later, an American statesman said "That which governs best is that which governs least."

  16. It should be illegal, but unfortunately it's not.

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